United Nations Security Council Resolution regarding space launches

Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
February 27, 2009

Question: Does a North Korean launch go against other United Nations Security Council Resolutions, in addition to 1718?

Answer: Given the history of this issue, including North Korea’s past missile tests and its 2006 nuclear test, and the clear statement of the United Nations Security Council in two resolutions (1695 and 1718) that missile-related activities must cease, the United States believes that a further missile test by the DPRK would violate UNSC Resolution 1718, even if the DPRK seeks to characterize it as a satellite launch. Ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles used to launch satellites derive from nearly identical and interchangeable technologies.

A satellite launch would also be inconsistent with Resolution 1695, in which the Security Council demanded that North Korea "suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program."

PRN: 2009/177