Comparison of histograms of TDS content of produced water records from 6 geologic provinces
Comparison of histograms of the total dissolved solids content of produced water records from 6 geologic provinces as defined by the USGS National Oil and Gas Assessment (Gautier and others, 1995). The comparison of histograms is intended to note the similar range of TDS among the basins but the contrast in frequency of occurrence. The basins compared include the Wind River basin in central Wyoming; the Los Angeles basin in southern California; the Denver basin in northeastern Colorado, southeastern Wyoming, and southwestern Nebraska; the Michigan basin in Michigan and northern Indiana; and the Appalachian basin which covers western New York, western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, western Virginia, eastern Kentucky, eastern Tennessee and north-central Alabama.

Produced water TDS from the Wind River basin ranges from 1000 to 220,000 mg/L with a mode of 20,000 mg/L represented by 1600 samples. Los Angeles basin produced water TDS ranges from 1000 to 76,000 mg/L with a clear maximum of 220 samples between 25,000 and 50,000 mg/L. Produced water from the Denver Basin ranges from 1000 to 270,000 mg/L; mode of the histogram is between 1000 and 25,000 mg/L with a count of 890 samples. The next three basins have markedly higher TDS contents than the first three. Water produced with petroleum in the Michigan basin ranges from 1000 to 400,000 mg/L. A broad mode ranging from 250,000 to 400,000 mg/L includes about 200 samples. Produced water from the Appalachian basin ranges from 3000 to 360,000 mg/L with a broad maximum ranging from 200,000 to 360,000 mg/L. The Anadarko basin produced water TDS values range from 1000 to 366,000 mg/L. The distribution for the Anadarko basin is bimodal with one mode near 25,000 mg/L and the other ranging from 150,000 to 250,000 mg/L.

Gautier, D.L., Dolton, G.L., Takahashi, K.I., and Varnes, K.L., 1995, National Assessment of Oil and Gas Resources—Results, Methodology, and Supporting Data, U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-30 Release 2. Available online at:

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