Diagram comparing the range of total dissolved solids contents of records in the produced water database with the ranges presented in the GRI Atlas

Comparison of total dissolved solids abundances (mg/L) reported for the Appalachian, Wind River, Anadarko, and Michigan basins in the revised database and in the Atlas of Gas Related Produced Water (Daly and Mesing, 1995). The minimum, maximum and mean contents for each basin and each dataset are presented. The greater range of values in the revised database relative to the compilation of Daly and Mesing (1995) likely reflects the inclusion of records for wells that produce oil, oil+gas, and gas; the Atlas prepared by Daly and Mesing (1995) was restricted to gas wells.

Appalachian basin
Revised database: minimum, 3120; maximum, 361,000; mean, 231,000.
Daly and Mesing (1995): minimum, 1947; maximum, 289,000; mean, 134,000.

Wind River basin
Revised database: minimum, 1010; maximum, 220,000; mean, 9600.
Daly and Mesing (1995): minimum, 1364; maximum, 7435; mean, 5276.

Anadarko basin
Revised database: minimum, 1000; maximum, 366,000; mean, 131,000.
Daly and Mesing (1995): minimum 7540; maximum, 227,700; mean, 99,950.

Michigan basin
Revised database: minimum, 1340; maximum, 400,000; mean, 266,000.
Daly and Mesing (1995): minimum, 130,700; maximum, 390,000; mean, 308,200.

Daly, D.J., and Mesing, G.E., 1995, Atlas of Gas Related Produced Water for 1990: Chicago, Gas Research Institute Topical Report 95/0016

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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey
URL: http://energy.cr.usgs.gov/prov/prodwat/griusgs.htm
Maintained by: Central Energy Data Management
Last modified: 14:02:15 Wed 29 May 2002
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