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Peacekeeping in the Golan Heights: UNDOF (UN Disengagement Observer Force)

Fact sheet released by the Bureau of International Organization Affairs
U.S. Department of State, August 23, 2000

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Key Dates




Actual (as of 07/01/00)









Financing (Regular peacekeeping assessments)


Total UN Cost

U.S. assessment (at 25%)

FY 1999

$29 million

$7 million

FY 2000

$36 million

$9 million

FY 2001 estimate

$71 million

$18 million


UNDOF was established in the aftermath of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War to supervise the disengagement of Israeli and Syrian forces. The mandate also includes maintaining the cease-fire between Israel and Syria and supervising the areas of separation and limitation.

U.S. Interests

UNDOF helps maintain stability between Israel and Syria, which contributes to overall peace in the region.

[end of document]

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