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Evaluation of Potentially Nonlethal Sampling Methods for Monitoring Mercury Concentrations in Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu)

This project is an evaluation of three potentially nonlethal alternatives to fillet sampling for the determination of mercury (Hg) concentrations in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) to monitor mercury concentrations in smallmouth bass (micropterus dolomieu) from six sites in southern Missouri were captured by electrofishing. Blood samples More...

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Fisheries Investigations for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers in Upper Klamath Lake

The value of this long-term monitoring program will provide data crucial for understanding demographic and reproductive characteristics of these endangered sucker populations. This research will have wide applicability to federal, state, and tribal agencies in the basin for management and recovery efforts.

  • Biologist holding female Lost River sucker (Deltistes luxatus)

Preyfish Population Assessment

In 2002, scientists from the Great Lakes Science Center assessed the health of the populations of preyfish for the biennial State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference (SOLEC) to provide information to policy makers on the status of the lakes and future needs. Preyfish population is one of the 80 indicators used by SOLEC to determine the health of the More...

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Feasibility of Using 3-D Acoustic Telemetry to Assess the Response of Resident Salmonids to Strobe Lights in Lake Roosevelt, Washington

An entrainment study at Grand Coulee Dam indicated that 200,000 - 600,000 kokanee were entrained, primarily at the 3rd powerhouse, during a 40-month time period. Following the recommendations of the Independent Scientific Review Panel, research was initiated to investigate a strategy to reduce entrainment by using strobe lights to repel salmonids More...

  • Image of kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka)

Ecological Interactions between Aquatic Macrophytes and Fish in Lake Onalaska, Pool 7, Upper Mississippi River

In the Upper Mississippi River, more than 80 species of fish use vegetated habitats during some portion of their life cycle. Fish depend on aquatic vegetation for abundant, high-quality food resources (plant-associated invertebrates) and refuge from predators. Vegetation abundance in the Upper Mississippi River substantially declined in the late More...

  • Image of a map from Pool 7 lock and dam 7, located near Dresbach, Minnesota upstream to Lock & Dam 6

Bioaccumulation of Mercury by Fish and Fish-forage Organisms in Camp Far West Reservoir, Yuba and Placer Counties, California

Mercury contamination from historic gold mining operations is widespread in many rivers, lakes, and reservoirs on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. A multidisciplinary investigation by USGS is attempting to better understand mercury dynamics and to identify hot spots within Camp Far West Reservoir in order to determine if remediation More...

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Near-Shore Habitat Use by Endangered Juvenile Suckers

The objectives of this study are 1) to determine how and when juvenile suckers use near-shore habitat with emergent vegetation, 2) determine how the distribution and abundance of juvenile suckers varies between near shore and offshore areas as well as between different areas of the lake over time, 3) determine if water quality conditions affect More...

  • Juvenile sucker captured in emergent vegetation.

Eurasian Ruffe

Eurasian Ruffe pose a threat to native fish because they(1) mature quickly, (2) have a high reproductive capacity, and (3) easily adapt to new environments. Ruffe were first detected in western Lake Superior in 1986. UMESC scientists are conducting research on various types of piscicides (chemicals that kill fish). They are attempting to develop More...

  • Eurasian ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus)

Round Goby

Gobies are capable of rapid population growth after they reach new areas. They have shown the ability to out-compete native fish for food and habitat. Another area of concern involves potential predation on the eggs and fry of lake trout. After first being discovered in 1990 along the St. Claire River (a Canadian river north of Detroit), gobies More...

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Silent Streams? Escalating Endangerment for North American Freshwater Fish: Nearly 40 Percent Now At-Risk

Nearly 40 percent of fish species in North American streams, rivers and lakes are now in jeopardy, according to the most detailed evaluation of the conservation status of freshwater fishes in the last 20 years. The 700 fishes now listed represent a staggering 92 percent increase over the 364 listed as "imperiled" in the previous 1989 study More...

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Swimming Performance of Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus)

Bull trout in the western United States are now listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. One cause of bull trout population declines is fish passage issues caused by dams and diversion structures. In order to best design or modify culverts and other fish passage structures in watersheds where bull trout are present, baseline swimming More...

  • Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus)

Cellular and Genetic Tracers of Transport Time in Groundwater Systems

Artificially maintained water levels within the lake and stresses placed upon the aquifer by well withdrawals facilitate movement of water from the lake into the local ground water system, potentially allowing contaminants to enter the aquifer from the lake. This raises national concern because similar lakeside settings exist throughout the United More...

  • Diatom image of the species Cymbella tumida.