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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.16a
Percent of adults age 18 and over with diabetes who reported having a hemoglobin A1c measurement at least once in the past year, United States, 2000 and 2002
    2002 2000
Population group Total population (in thousands)g Percenth Standard error Total population(in thousands)g Percenth Standard error
Total   14,015 90.4 0.9 12,608 89.9 1.3
Racea White 10,765 90.6 1.0 - - - - - -
Black 2,368 88.4 2.1 - - - - - -
American Indian/Alaska Native DSU DSU DSU - - - - - -
Asian DSU DSU DSU - - - - - -
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander DSU DSU DSU - - - - - -
Multiple races DSU DSU DSU - - - - - -
Ethnicityb Hispanic, all races 1,753 86.5 2.4 1,633 85.7 3.2
Non-Hispanic, all races 12,262 90.9 0.9 10,975 90.5 1.3
Non-Hispanic, White 9,093 91.3 1.1 8,415 91.1 1.4
Non-Hispanic, Black 2,359 88.3 2.1 2,081 86.0 3.7
Non-Hispanic, other DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU
Gender Male 6,914 91.6 1.2 5,872 90.0 1.8
Female 7,101 89.2 1.2 6,736 89.7 1.8
Age 18-44 1,884 83.8 2.8 2,072 83.4 3.9
45-64 6,386 92.9 1.1 5,309 92.3 1.6
65 and over 5,745 89.9 1.5 5,227 90.2 2.0
Educationc Less than high school 4,511 87.1 1.8 3,986 87.3 2.5
High school graduate 4,554 91.6 1.2 4,211 89.8 2.3
At least some college 4,808 92.0 1.4 4,245 92.0 1.7
Employment statusd Employed 5,124 91.8 1.3 4,726 89.0 1.8
Not employed 3,146 88.6 2.0 2,655 90.8 2.9
Health insurance, age 18-64 Any private 5,677 92.9 1.1 5,330 90.8 1.9
Public only 1,570 87.5 2.9 DSU DSU DSU
Uninsured 1,023 83.0 3.9 DSU DSU DSU
Health insurance, age 65 and over Medicare only 1,730 86.7 3.1 DSU DSU DSU
Medicare and private 3,060 90.4 2.0 2,749 91.4 2.6
Medicare and other public 924 94.0 2.3 DSU DSU DSU
Family incomee Negative or poor 1,801 89.1 2.4 1,744 88.1 3.0
Near poor/low income 3,454 89.9 1.9 3,085 88.4 2.9
Middle income 4,112 88.2 1.7 3,610 89.5 2.2
High income 4,647 93.0 1.3 4,168 91.7 2.1
Residence locationf Metropolitan-large 7,127 91.0 1.2 6,417 90.6 1.6
Metropolitan-small 4,049 91.1 1.5 3,457 88.9 2.7
Micropolitan 1,872 85.1 2.8 1,706 86.8 3.5
Noncore 967 93.3 2.7 DSU DSU DSU
Perceived health status Excellent, very good or good 8,038 90.2 1.2 7,588 90.2 1.5
Fair or poor 5,977 90.7 1.5 5,020 89.2 2.2

a Prior to 2002, racial categories were not directly comparable to those used for 2002 data. Thus, race data for 2000 are not shown.

b Beginning in 2002, individuals could report multiple races. For 2002 and later years, Non-Hispanic White and Black categories exclude multiple race individuals and are not directly comparable to data from previous years.

c "Less than high school" refers to fewer than 12 years of education; "high school graduate", 12 years of education; and "at least some college", more than 12 years of education.

d Employment status for persons age 18-64 only.

e "Negative or poor" refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; "near poor/low income", over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; "middle income", 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and "high income", 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

f See the MEPS entry in the Data Sources section of the Measures Specifications Appendix for more information.

g Total adult diabetes population, age 18 and over. Numbers may not add to total due to missing or rounding.

h Estimates exclude cases where the respondent did not know whether the test was provided or a response was not ascertained by the interviewer (about one-fifth of the cases each year). Without excluding these cases, the estimated overall percent of persons who definitively had the test was 72.13 percent in 2002 and 69.9 percent in 2000. These lower estimates can be interpreted as the lowest possible estimated percent having the test, while the higher estimates shown in the table assume that the estimated percent of persons with a test would be similar for sample persons without a response (if responses were obtained) as for those with a response.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

- -  Data not shown. See footnote a.

Source:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

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