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Forecasting Ionospheric Real-time Scintillation (FIRST) Tool

Forecasting Ionospheric Real-time Scintillation (FIRST) Tool

News of the Month

NOTE: These items are internal communications within NGDC and NESDIS.
They are intended for information only and are not formal press releases.

National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Supports Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Review of Qualifying Charitable Organizations
Ms. Karen Horan (NGDC) participated on a panel for screening new charities wishing to be included in this year's CFC program for the Metropolitan Denver Area (CFC 0141) on April 24th, 2009. The panel reviewed applications, verified tax returns/audits, and ensured that submitted paperwork was accurate and complete. The CFC is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with more than 300 CFC campaigns throughout the country and internationally to help to raise millions of dollars each year.
Significance: A thorough review of potential applicants for inclusion in the annual CFC drive ensures the quality and integrity of the program.
Outcome: This activity supports the Goal 3 objective to demonstrate global leadership on environmental issues.
( or 303-497-6277)

NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Participates in NOAA-Boulder Briefing of Secretary Locke
NGDC was one of three NOAA Boulder laboratories that briefed Department of Commerce Secretary Locke on Wednesday May 6, 2009. NGDC briefed the Secretary on plans for using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding to improve data management infrastructure and capabilities in accordance with the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy final report. According to the Commission's Blueprint for the 21st Century, a renewed U.S. commitment to ocean science and technology will require improved strategic planning, closer interagency coordination, robust technology and infrastructure, and 21st century data management systems.
Significance: The Ocean and Coastal Mapping Integration Act directs the Administrator of NOAA to develop and implement a coordinated and comprehensive federal ocean and coastal mapping program and to coordinate ocean and coastal mapping and surveying activities with other federal efforts, international mapping activities, coastal states, user groups, and nongovernmental entities. A key component of this capability is a robust, accessible archive to inform planning and decision making for new surveys and support use and re-use of data for science-based decision making.
Outcome: This activity supports the Integrated Oceans and Coastal Mapping program and the general goal to improve our environmental and marine infrastructure and to develop a more robust Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).
( or 303-497-6478)

National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Supports Committee for Space Environment Sensor Mitigation Options (CSESMO) Activities
Dr. William Denig (NGDC) will participate in a set of technical discussions concerning options for recovering space environmental sensing capabilities previously lost as a result of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Nunn-McCurdy action. These discussions support the efforts of the CSESMO which was formed under the National Space Weather Program Council of the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology in response to a request by the President's Office of Science and Technology Policy. Several participants of the NPOESS Sensor Mitigation Options Joint Action Group under the CSESMO were requested to participate in a 2-day focused technical meeting at The Aerospace Corporation facility in Colorado Springs, CO on May 7-8, 2009. The outcome of a successful meeting will be a set of recommended options for recovering NPOESS capabilities that can considered by the full JAG and forwarded to the CSESMO, if appropriate.
Significance: NOAA is a primary contributor to the Nation's space weather infrastructure though the deployment of operational space environmental sensors on polar-orbiting meteorological satellites.
Outcome: This activity supports the Goal 4 objective to improve our environmental and marine infrastructure.
( or 303-497-6323)

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