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Military Life/Family Life/Becoming Parents

Reimbursement For Adoption Fees
  An adoption reimbursement program available to service members.

FirstGov for Kids  
Portal to some of the best Federal and states kids' sites.

Child Welfare Information Gateway  
Website provides comprehensive information on domestic and intercountry adoption and information on child abuse and neglect.

Pregnant, Depressed Sailors Can Get Help  
  Being pregnant was once reason enough a woman could be medically discharged from the Navy. Couple that with the onslaught of depression, and it was almost a sure-fire way to instant civilianship.

The Expectant Father: Preparing for Your Baby's Arrival  
  How you can cope when your wife gives birth to your first child. New Parent Support Program (NPSP), FFSP New Parent Support Program, Baby Boot Camp, how to get a picture of your newborn and how to read to your child on video if you're deployed, and the Return and Reunion Program (R&R).

Planning Your Family  
  If you are thinking about having kids, there are some things you should consider such as career/education goals, understanding contraception, and preparing financially.

I'm Having a Baby; Where's My Husband?  
  Unfortunately deployments don't always fit in nicely with pregnancy and labor. Learn about available help to new parents, emotional support and the New Parent Support Program (NPSP) plus financial help for active duty and reserve families.

Trying to Get Pregnant? Tips on Ovulation  
  How to get pregnant when conception is difficult and a couple's time together is limited. How to calculate fertile days (predict ovulation), basal body temperature (BBT), ovulation predictor kits and calendars, changes in cervical mucus, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and the importance of romance. Links to several fertility websites.

The Adoption Option  
  An informational resource for military families who are considering adopting a child. Includes information on military and community resources, costs, time-frame, and special concerns military families may have about adoption. Links to Fleet and Family Support Division, Naval Legal Office, Health And Human Services, and the DOD Adoption Reimbursement Program.
Having a Baby: Military Hospitals Focus on Family-Centered Care  
  The benefits of having your baby in a military hospital. The concept of family-centered care, continuity of care, access to services, ultrasound, lactation (breast-feeding) support, and patient education. Links to a LIFELines article on preparing for pregnancy.

Parenting Classes Help Build Family Relationships  
  Becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. However, parenting is not without its ups and downs. Learn about parenting classes offered by FFSC, dealing with children from babies to teenagers.

Prepare for Pregnancy: What You Need to Know to Have a Healthy Baby  
  Preparation for pregnancy should begin well prior to conception. It is important to eat healthy, including vitamins and minerals like folic acid, calcium and iron in your diet. Exercise is also an important part of pregnancy planning and can include yoga, swimming and walking.

When Both Parents Are Active Duty With Children  
  How two active-duty spouses can combine their careers with having children. Interviews quote four real people, but first names only are used. It discusses deployment, having a family care plan (FCP), communicating with children's teachers, household planning, finding good childcare, powers of attorney, and how growing up in the military affected their children.

Managing Your Pregnancy and Parenting While on Active Duty  
  Learn things to consider about your Navy or Marine Corps career and parenting such as the impact of pregnancy on co-workers in shore duty compared to sea duty or a deploying unit. Also the difference between Navy and Marine Corps pregnancy and parenting policies.

Long-Distance Parenting: Having a Good Relationship With Your Children After Divorce  
  This article is about how a divorced parent can maintain a good relationship when he or she is not the custodial parent. It discusses using telephone calls, the Internet (World Wide Web), and e-mail to communicate, and describes activities for children and how to keep in close contact with school and recreation staff. It stresses the importance of never missing a scheduled visit. Links to Divorce Magazine, Dads at a Distance, Moms Over Miles,, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire, and Boys and Girls Clubs.

Building Strong Relationships with Kids and Stepkids  
  This article is about military kids and parenting issues such as spending time with them, civilian stepchildren entering a military family, and adjusting to military conditions, and a list of 10 things to do with your child.

Should You Send Your Child to Daycare?  
  This article is about how to pre-screen childcare providers by telephone, what to look for and question staff about on the first visit (safety, cleanliness, supervision, menu, license and certification, compliance with state regulations), and how to prepare the child. Recommends consulting the base Resource and Referral office. Links to the National Child Care Association.

How the WIC Program Can Help Your Family  
  This article is about the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, which supplies supplemental food, nutrition and health screening, and counseling for women and young children. It discusses who is eligible and how to apply. Also mentions WIC Overseas, commissaries, and NEXMarts. Links to WIC and TRICARE.

Planning a Military Wedding Doesn't Have to be a Saber-Rattling Experience  
  How to plan a wedding at a military chapel. Pre-marriage counseling, the arch of swords/sabers, dress, and more. Quotes CDR Timothy Demy, LCDR Mark Hendricks, CAPT Stephen Linehan; Orthea D. Swartz, author of the book "Service Etiquette"; links to ChaplainCare.


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