Publication Citation

USGS Series Water-Resources Investigations Report
Report Number 84-4242
Title Oregon ground-water quality and its relation to hydrogeological factors; a statistical approach
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Miller, T. L.; Gonthier, J. B.
Year 1984
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) WRi no.84-4242
Physical description vii, 88 p. :ill., maps ;28 cm.

Online Document Versions

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An appraisal of Oregon ground-water quality was made using existing data accessible through the U.S. Geological Survey computer system. The data available for about 1,000 sites were separated by aquifer units and hydrologic units. Selected statistical moments were described for 19 constituents including major ions. About 96 percent of all sites in the data base were sampled only once. The sample data were classified by aquifer unit and hydrologic unit and analysis of variance was run to determine if significant differences exist between the units within each of these two classifications for the same 19 constituents on which statistical moments were determined. Results of the analysis of variance indicated both classification variables performed about the same, but aquifer unit did provide more separation for some constituents. Samples from the Rogue River basin were classified by location within the flow system and type of flow system. The samples were then analyzed using analysis of variance on 14 constituents to determine if there were significant differences between subsets classified by flow path. Results of this analysis were not definitive, but classification as to the type of flow system did indicate potential for segregating water-quality data into distinct subsets. (USGS)