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Family Life/Deployment/Cycles of Deployment/Homecoming/Reunion

Battlemind Deployment Training
  A briefing of the stresses and strains of deployment on Soldiers.

Maintaining the Healthy Lifestyle You Began During Deployment 
  Just because your spouse is returning from deployment doesn't mean unhealthy eating has to return as well. Learn how to develop a lifestyle plan to help you and your spouse eat healthy to maintain and/or lose weight and get exercise.

Reuniting with Your Loved One: Helpful Advice for Families  
  Understanding the Effects of Trauma and Traumatic Events to Help Prevent, Mitigate and Foster Recovery for Individuals, Organizations and Communities. A Program of Uniformed Services University, The National Federal Medical School, Bethesda, Maryland.

Private or Public Homecoming  
  Here is good advice to consider when planning a homecoming for a deployed spouse. Who should be invited or should anyone be invited to a homecoming. What should parents and other family members expect when their hero comes home?

How We Prepared for Homecoming -- and I Don't Mean Football  
  Careful planning for deployment homecomings is essential. Terri Hall, experienced in preparing for many homecomings for her Sailor during their 20-year career, offers tips for success.

They're Coming Home! The FFSC Return & Reunion Program  
  The Return and Reunion Program provides information about the issues surrounding military personnel returning from deployment.

Fighting Fair: How to Win the War by Sometimes Losing the Battle  
  Most military couples agree that homecoming is the best part of deployment. Learn how to adjust to disagreements, especially upon return from deployment, by utilizing coping strategies.

Homecoming Celebrations: A Fun Tradition  
  The time has come. After many months, your loved one is finally coming home. Homecoming celebrations are a way to celebrate the end of a long separation.

Easy Does It: Your Spouse's Return From Deployment  
  Being sensitive to a service member's expectations and needs upon return from deployment includes simple things like changes in the home environment, furniture arrangement, closet space, and spouse's appearance.

Welcome Home, Honey. Now What?
  You and your kids have waited six long months for your loved one's return. In that time, each of you has grown. Homecoming is a perfect time to get reacquainted.

Reactions of Children  
  This article details some signs to look for in your child's behavior that may indicate separation anxiety.

Return and Reunion Brief for Spouses

You made it! The deployment is almost over and your Marine will be home soon. Many of you have already planned the homecoming. You???ve made decisions about how you will decorate the house, what meal you will cook, what you will wear. Exciting times, but you probably have some nagging questions as the reunion draws near.





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Echoes Combat Stress Video  




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