The VVHP's
"Veterans Organizations and Support Groups" Page

(Includes contacts in our Allied Countries)

This page contains information and links to Vietnam Veteran's organizations and support groups throughout the world.

This information is provided "as is," and no endorsement of these groups is intended. Please contact these groups at their addresses provided to obtain further information.

Lost and Found

(Updated: 22 February '09)

A World Wide Web Locator for Veterans and Friends of Veterans who are looking for other Vietnam Veterans.

The Team Leader for this section is Bill Crumlett

"Information and Search Aids" Index

(Updated: look for new revision dates on each Page)

URLs, email and land addresses, phone numbers, etc. for information and resources of help and benefit on many subjects and issues, from "Agent Orange" to "Locators" to "Women In Service"and more.

Reunions and Events

(Updated: Frequently)

PTSD 101

A Question and Answer forum on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder originally founded by Patience Mason, Author of Recovering From The War - A Woman's Guide To Helping Your Vietnam Vet,YourFamily, And Yourself and publisher of THE POST-TRAUMATIC GAZETTE.

Note: This forum is no longer active. The link to other PTSD related pages is still posted.


(Updated: look for the new revision date)

Important Links To Other Veteran-related WWW Pages and Military-related InformationResources.

Private Organizations (U.S.A. and Canada)

The Air America Association

The Army TransportationAssociation, Vietnam (ATAV)

Bob Donoghue's 1997 Help The Bru Program

BRAVO--The Brotherhood Rally of All Veterans

Bravo Company, 1st Bn, 5th U.S. Cavalry (Vietnam) by Michael D. Collins and Pranee Robinson

The Congressional Medal of Honor Society

National Medal of Honor Museum


Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

East Meets West Foundation

The Friends of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

General Coactive Montagnard Association

Homecoming II Project

Khe Sanh Veterans, Inc

Minnesota Won't Forget POW/MIA Inc.

Mobile Riverine Force Association

NamVet Newsletter for Vietnam Veterans

National Veterans Organization Information Service

National Vietnam Veterans Coalition (NVVC)

North Country Vietnam Veterans Association, Inc.

Northwest Veterans for Peace

PBR Forces Veterans Association, Inc.

Point Man Ministries

St. Louis Area Veteran's Consortium

The Post-Traumatic Gazette

POW's & MIA's Project Interstate

Red River Valley Fighter Pilot'sAssociation(RRVA)

Southeast Asia United Veterans

"Rolling Thunder"

Tri-State Vietnam Veterans Association (IA, IL, WI)

240th Assault Helicopter Company

E-mail contact: BillTippett

U.S. Army Veterans Organizations

U.S. Marine Corps Veterans Organizations

U.S. Veteran Information

USMC Vietnam Tankers Chapter

Veterans Affairs Services

Veteran's For Peace

Veterans of the Vietnam War, Inc.

Vetsville Cease Fire House West Palm Beach, FL

Vietnam Dog HandlersAssociation(VDHA)

The Vietnam Children's Fund (VCF)

formerly the

Vietnamese Memorial Association (VMA)

This wonderful project builds schools in Vietnam

Vietnam Helicopter Crew MembersAssociation

Vietnam Helicopter Flight Crew Network (VHFCN)

Vietnam-related Magazines and Newsletters

Vietnam Security Police Association

Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW)

Vietnam Veterans Arts Group (VVAG)

Vietnam Veterans Foundation of Texas, Inc. (VVFT)

Vietnam Veterans In Canada (VVIC)

Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA)

Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation (VVAF)

Viet Nam Veterans of America; Orange County, New York

Vietnam Veterans of Central Florida, Inc. (VVCF)

Viet Nam Veterans of Diablo Valley

Vietnam Veterans of Maui County (VVMC)

Viet Nam Veterans of Monterey County

Vietnam Veterans of Pittsburgh, Inc.

Vietnam Veterans of Ventura County (VVVC)

Vietnam Veteran's Oral History and Folklore Project


VVRP - - Veterans Vietnam Restoration Project

VWAM - - Vets With A Mission

Woman Marines Association

Government Organizations (U.S.A. and Canada)

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Home Page

U.S. National Archives, Center For Electronic Records

Search the Library of Congress Vietnam War POW/MIA on-line database Here.

(Last Update: 3 Nov 07 - JPR)

Veterans in the Senate
Veterans in the House
Veterans as State Governors
Congressional E-Mail Directory link

Vietnam Veterans in the White House (Executive Branch)

Vietnam Veteran Political Wannabees (Vets running for publicoffice)

Vietnam Veterans in other High Places (Gov't and Private)

Vietnam Veteran Organizations in other countries

Canadian Vietnam Veteran Organizations

Australian Vietnam Veteran Organizations

New Zealand Vietnam Veteran Organizations

South Vietnamese Veteran Organizations

South Korean Vietnam Veteran Organizations

Thai Vietnam Veteran Organizations

Miscellaneous Veteran-related Issues:

Normalization of relations with the government of Vietnam.Arguments Pro and Con.

To register a Vietnam Veterans organization or support group that is not listed here,
please contact Bill McBride on the Internet at:

Revised 10/20/2001 - DGSH
