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Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairs

Chapter 1: Campaign Committee Chairpersons
Chapter 2: National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairpersons
Chapter 3: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairpersons

Campaign Committee Chairpersons

Democrats and Republicans in the Senate appoint campaign committees to raise funds for congressional elections. Chaired by senators, these committees distribute funds to senators and promising candidates.


National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairpersons

Ted Stevens (AK)
Term: 1975-1977

Robert Packwood (OR)
Term: 1977-1979

John Heinz (PA)
Term: 1979-1981

Robert Packwood (OR)
Term: 1981-1983

Richard Lugar (IN)
Term: 1983-1985

John Heinz (PA)
Term: 1985-1987

Rudy Boschwitz (MN)
Term: 1987-1989

Don Nickles (OK)
Term: 1989-1991

Phil Gramm (TX)
Term: 1991-1995

Alfonse D'Amato (NY)
Term: 1995-1997

Mitch McConnell (KY)
Term: 1997-2001

William H. Frist (TN)
Term: 2001-2003

George Allen (VA)
Term:  2003-2005

Elizabeth Dole (NC)
Term:  2005-2007

John Ensign (NV)
Term: 2007-



Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairpersons

J. Bennett Johnston (LA)
Term: 1976-1977

Wendell Ford (KY)
Term: 1977-1983

Lloyd Bentsen (TX)
Term: 1983-1985

George Mitchell (ME)
Term: 1985-1987

John Kerry (MA)
Term: 1987-1989

John Breaux (LA)
Term: 1989-1991

Charles S. Robb (VA)
Term: 1991-1993

Bob Graham (FL)
Term: 1993-1995

Bob Kerrey (NE)
Term: 1995-1999

Robert G. Torricelli (NJ)
Term: 1999-2001

Patty Murry (WA)
Term: 2001-2003

Jon S. Corzine (NJ)
Term:  2003-2005

Charles Schumer (NY)
Term:  2005-


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