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Sea Turtles in the Dry Tortugas: Tracking Movements of Endangered Species in Florida's Coral-Reef Habitats

Kristen Hart and Keith Ludwig of the USGS Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC) participated in two research cruises in 2008 to study patterns of habitat use by endangered sea turtles in and around the National Park. Hart's research effort focuses on quantifying patterns of sea turtle habitat use, employing capture-recapture and satellite- and More...

  • One of the smallest juvenile green turtles (Chelonia agassizii) captured thus far, August 2008, Dry

Building Experimental Capacity to Assess Ballast Treatment Effectiveness and Residual Risk

Ballast water discharges are the most significant cause of aquatic biological invasions in coastal waters, including the Great Lakes. Currently, treatment of ballast water prior to discharge at the receiving port offers significant promise to help control this problem. However, development of treatment technologies is limited by lack of objective More...

  • Image of ship discharging ballast water

Using Parasites to Monitor Ecosystem Health

Parasites can play a positive role in ecosystems. The USGS Western Ecological Research Center is working with the Channel Islands National Park in California to better understand how bacterial epidemics can protect kelp forests from overgrazing by sea urchins and how parasitic castrators might be used against invasive crabs. Researchers will More...

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