NOAA Submits Proposed Recovery Plan to Congress to Help Create Jobs, Improve Coastal Communities and Protect Habitat

April 7, 2009

NOAA Ship Nancy Foster.

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration submitted to Congress today its proposed Recovery plan to create jobs, strengthen the economy, and restore our environment. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, NOAA was provided $830 million.

NOAA estimates its planned expenditures will create a significant number of new jobs and strengthen the economy, spurring the creation of additional jobs. NOAA’s investments in weather forecasting and research, fisheries, ocean and coastal management are aimed at safeguarding lives and putting Americans to work.

"These proposed funds will put thousands of Americans to work while restoring our coasts and combating climate change,” Commerce Department Secretary Gary Locke said. “It reflects our investment in sound science and commitment to help strengthen local economies.”

“We plan to invest the $230 million  provided by the Recovery Act  for  NOAA operations and research in habitat restoration work in coastal areas around the country, as well as to support consultations required under the Endangered Species Act, which can have a marked economic impact,” said Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D., NOAA administrator and Commerce Under Secretary for oceans and atmosphere. “The operations and research funds will also support vessel maintenance and reducing the backlog of hydrographic surveys, which support navigational charts, addressing national priority areas in environmental stewardship and commerce.”

Under the proposed plan, NOAA plans to invest $600 million in construction and repair of NOAA facilities, ships and equipment, to improve weather forecasting and to support satellite development. This funding includes $170 million to strengthen NOAA's supercomputing capability and climate data record development — critical to improving climate modeling and to continuing research into ways to mitigate climate change.  

NOAA has established a special accountability board to manage the funding implementation, as well as provide oversight of these projects. Programs which receive funding from the Recovery Act will be required to establish and report on performance measures for success, as well as on schedule and cost progress.  Expenditures will be uniquely tracked, and special audits will be conducted to ensure that taxpayer dollars are protected.

Some NOAA Recovery Plan highlights below:

Proposed activities supported by $230 million in the NOAA Operations, Research, and Facilities account include:

Proposed activities supported by $600 million in the NOAA Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction account include:

For the latest information on Recovery Act activities by NOAA and the Commerce Department, visit

NOAA understands and predicts changes in the Earth’s environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and conserves and manages our coastal and marine resources.