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Important Information

H1N1 Flu Awareness

College officials are closely monitoring the H1N1 flu. We are encouraged that no cases of the virus have been reported at NOVA. We will continue to communicate with you as needed.

Summer Registration Under Way

Use NOVAConnect to register by Web or telephone for Summer classes. Classes for the Summer 12-week session and first 6-week session begin May 18. Classes for the second 6-week session begin June 30.

Review NOVA's Payment Plans

NOVA offers a deferred tuition payment plan.

Paying for College: Summer '09

If you enroll for Summer '09 classes on or after May 1, your payment is due by 5 p.m. the next business day.

Priority Registration for Fall '09

To determine your assigned priority registration date, go to NOVAConnect and look under Important Links. Open registration for Fall classes resumes for all students June 9.

Paying for College: Fall '09

If you enroll for Fall '09 classes by July 30 your payment is due by 5 p.m. on July 31. If you enroll for Fall '09 classes on or after July 31, your payment is due by 5 p.m. the next business day.

Seize the Opportunity With GAA

Our Guaranteed Admissions Agreement program is a great way to continue your current collegiate success by taking it to the next level.

In the Spotlight

Save the Date!

Northern Virginia Community College's commencement ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 12 at 7 p.m. at the Patriot Center of George Mason University.

The faculty and staff of the College look forward to the opportunity to recognize our graduates' achievements at the commencement ceremony.

Our talented class of 2009 consists of more than 3,300 NOVA students from more than 100 different countries. We are excited that many of these wonderful students represent first-time college graduates in their families.

The Honorable Sharon Bulova, Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, will be the guest speaker at this year's graduation.

Commencement is a traditional ceremony where black caps and gowns with hoods displaying NOVA school colors are the required academic regalia for participating graduates. For more specific event details, check out the Commencement Brochure.

Chappell Graduation Images Studio will be on hand to take individual pictures of the graduates as they cross the stage to receive well-wishes from President Templin.

Congratulations NOVA graduates on reaching this point in your education career!

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NOVA Commencement

Photo by: Kevin Mattingly