Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office
Fisheries Projects                 Sustainability of salmon

Concepts and strategies for sustainability
of Pacific salmon

Project Description: This work included two major components: 1) a coastwide study of the status and quality of U.S. Pacific salmon spawning escapement management; and 2) the preparation of a peer-reviewed book resulting from the 1996 conference Towards Sustainable Fisheries: Balancing Conservation & Use of Salmon and Steelhead in the Pacific Northwest. In the first component, databases containing records for 602 Pacific salmon management units, consisting of 8,369 biological populations were assembled. This was done by reviewing the literature and/or contacting state or native salmon management biologists. Information on the type, method, and quality of spawner management was evaluated. In the second component of this project, a collection of 50 peer-reviewed papers is being edited & assembled into a hard cover book.

Application of Research:  This research will support improvements in Pacific salmon management. The evaluation of spawner escapement management is the first of its kind and will help policy makers decide whether to allocate additional funding to improving information for population management. It will also help managers decide how best to allocate their limited management resources to best manage salmon escapements. The book will provide a number of new ideas for improving salmon management and should prove to be a valuable reference tool for biologists, managers, policy people, and students.


E. Eric Knudsen
Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office
1011 E. Tudor Rd.
Anchorage, AK  99503
(907)786-3636 FAX

Poster Presentation - "Searching for a Life History Approach to Salmon Escapement Management" -  [PDF file - 179 KB]

"Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon" Book

Table of Contents

Ordering Information:

You may order the book from The Sustainable Fisheries Foundation by accessing their web site at and downloading an order form. The cost is $84 US, including shipping and all the proceeds go to the Sustainable Fisheries Foundation.

You may also order the book directly from CRC Press, by accessing their on-line catalog at and searching for "Pacific salmon". The cost is $110 including shipping - you can order electronically and use a credit card.

You also find the book available at

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Last Reviewed: September 17, 2003