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Topic: US History Women

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American Women: A Gateway to Library of Congress Resources for the Study of Women's History and Culture in the United States
This Library of Congress site contains digital materials, an introduction to research in American women's history, tips on searching for women's history resources in the catalogs, and more

American Women's History: A Research Guide (Mid TN State)
Is intended to assist researchers by providing primary source collections and other materials on the internet

Digital History: Women
Digital History features resource guides by topic and period. Reference resources include classroom handouts, chronologies, encyclopedia articles, glossaries, and an audio-visual archive including speeches, book talks and e-lectures by historians, and historical maps, music, newspaper articles, and images. The site's Ask the HyperHistorian feature allows users to pose questions to professional historians.

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1775-2000
This website is a project of the Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender at the State University of New York at Binghamton and includes roughly 900 documents, 400 images, and 350 links to other websites. There are twenty comprehensive lesson plans with over a hundred lesson ideas mounted in the Teacher's Corner.

Agents of Social Change (Smith College)
Smith College offers an on-line exhibit and several lesson plans drawn from its collections The lesson plans are directed at middle and high school students and make use of both the text-based documents and visual images that can be found at the curriculum portion of the Web site. They highlight women's part in struggles for social change in the 20th century including labor, socialism, civil liberties, peace, racial justice, urban reform, welfare rights, and women's rights.

Half the People: 1917-1996 (PBS)
Part of PBS's People's Century television series, this site focuses of women's fight for equal rights. There are interviews, a timeline, and a teacher's guide

Living the Legacy : Women's Rights Movement, 1848-1998
Sponsored by the National Women's History Project, the site provides a history of the movement and a detailed timeline.

American Women's History Project
American Women's History provides citations to print and Internet reference sources, as well as to selected large primary source collections

Internet Women's History Sourcebook
The Internet History Sourcebooks are wonderful collections of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts for educational use by Paul Halsall. The site and its documents are well organized and the breadth of materials is impressive. The Sourcebooks include: Ancient History Sourcebook | Medieval Sourcebook | Modern History Sourcebook | Byzantine Studies Page /African | East Asian | Global | Indian | Islamic | Jewish | Lesbian and Gay | Science | Women's | Medieval Studies Course | Modern History Course | Chinese Studies Course | Medieval Webguide

Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides, Activities and more

Women, Their Rights & Nothing Less - Lesson Plan
This relatively succinct lesson teaches students about both the different societal roles of women from 1840 to 1920 and the methods they used to achieve desired reforms. Using primary sources from the Library of Congress' American Memory collections, students learn how tactics in the early women's rights movement changed with the times, ultimately leading to women's suffrage. The lesson culminates in a student-made timeline, which uses primary sources to explain the movement's transformation over time. Designed for grades 9 to 12.

Teacher Lesson Plan: Voices for Votes Suffrage Strategies
Designed by the Library of Congress for grades 4-6, this lesson plan contains four student activities that detail various suffrage strategies. Activities include writing postcards and making political pins.

Course Models: Social Reformers - Women's Voices
Part of the California History-Social Science content standards and annotated course which include: background information, focus questions, pupil activities and handouts, assessment, and references to books, articles, web sites, literature, audio-video programs, and historic site. Grade 11.

Lesson Plan: Cultural Change
In this MarcoPolo lesson plan, students look at the different arguments women used to gain the right to vote. The lesson plan come with plenty of resources and guidelines. Suitable for High school students.

Suffragists and Their Tactics - Lesson Plan
This Library of Congress lesson plan utilizes close analysis of three different primary sources (photos, broadsides and period articles) to explore the fight for women's suffrage in terms of how and why women advocated change. Designed activities focus on what inferences can be made from primary sources and how to evaluate the efficacy of suffragists' arguments in the time period they were made. For grades 10 to 12.

The Dawn of a New E.R.A.: Debating the Equal Rights Amendment
In this New York Times lesson, students research the history and politics behind the Equal Rights Amendment; they then stage a debate to discuss the Amendment\rquote s potential for ratification eighty years after its introduction to Congress.(May 5, 2003)

Lesson Plan: Exploring Women's History Through Film
In this lesson, students employ the screenwriter's craft to gain a fresh perspective on historical research, learning how filmmakers combine scholarship and imagination to bring historical figures to life and how the demands of cinematic storytelling can shape our view of the past. Presented by MarcoPolo for high school students

Lesson Plan- Voting Rights for Women: Pro- and Anti-Suffrage
MarcoPolo has provided this lesson plan to teach students about both sides of the suffrage movement. The lesson plan comes with its own worksheets and handouts and is intended for grades 6-8

Lesson Plan: Who Were the Foremothers of Women's Equality?
This MarcoPolo lesson plan centers around identifying the leaders of the Suffrage movement. Attention is also paid to the contributions these individuals gave to society. Lesson plan includes materials and suggested reading. It is geared towards middle school students.

Lesson Plan- Women's Suffrage: Why the West First?
In this lesson plan, students seek to answer the question posed in the title. Designed by MarcoPolo, the plan details 7 activities and boasts a vast collection of resources. Grades 6-8

Ladies, Contraband, and Spies: Women in the Civil War - Lesson Plan
In this concise lesson, students use primary sources from the Library of Congress' American Memory collections to research and understand the impact of the Civil War on women. By studying women who had different roles in and perspectives on the war, ranging from plantation mistresses to slave women and spies, students have to consider how the war affected women based on their position in society. In addition to advancing skills in using primary sources, the lesson also has students present their results visually with PowerPoint and in writing with a short textbook entry. Designed for grades 10 to 11.

Lesson Plan: Women in the White House
In this lesson, students explore the role and impact of recent First Ladies through research and family interviews, then work in groups to present a documentary portrait to the class. Created by MarcoPolo for Middle School Students

CEC Lesson Plan: The Nineteenth Amendment
In this mini-lesson, students will learn about the Nineteenth Amendment through a fun class exercise. Grades 9-12

U.S. Women's History: Lesson Ideas and Document Based Questions
The Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender at the State University of New York at Binghamton offers lesson plans, DBQs, links and more on American women's history

Honor Role of Notable Women
Alphabetical list of "Women Achievers" developed by Scholastic.

See also U.S. sections: Early Republic and Progressivism

Teaching History with Technology
Tom Daccord
July 13-15, in Boston
(sold out 2007, 2008)

Teaching English and Language Arts with Technology
Carla Beard
July 6-8, Boston
(sold out in 2007)

Teaching the "Flat Classroom"
Vicki Davis
June 25-26, Boston

Google Tools for Schools
Carol LaRow
August 3-5, Boston

Creative Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards
Darren Kuropatwa
July 16-17

Free and Open Source Applications for Educators
Alex Inman
June 9-10

21st Century Leadership Symposium
Dennis Richards, Tom Daccord, Justin Reich
August 6-7

Enhanced Podcasting for Educators
Douglas Kiang
July 1-2

Digital Storytelling & Portfolios
Alycia Scott-Hiser
June 23-24

and more...



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