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Topic: US History WWI

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Newspaper Pictorials: World War I Rotogravures
The three titles digitized for "Newspaper Pictorials: World War I Rotogravures" by the Library of Congress represent diverse pictorials published in Sunday pictorial sections by two of the most prominent U.S. newspapers of the day: the New York Times and New York Tribune. The images in this collection track American sentiment about the war in Europe, week by week, before and after U.S. involvement. They document events of the war alongside society news and advertisements touting products of the day, creating a pictorial record of both the war effort and life at home. An excellent research site.


The Price of Freedom: Americans at War
This Smithsonian website skillfully integrates Flash video and text to examine armed conflicts involving the U.S. from the Revolutionary War to the war in Iraq. Each conflict contains a brief video clip, statistical information, and a set of artifacts. There is also a Civil War mystery, an exhibition self-guide, and a teacher's guide. The World War I section contains a short essay on the conflict as well as historic images and artifacts.

The World War I Document Archive (BYU)
An important source of links to primary documents, such as treaties and personal recollections.

The Great War(PBS)
This site includes interviews, maps, an interactive timeline, and brief summaries of the series episodes.

Eyewitness on World War I
Has first-hand accounts of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the death of an American pilot, and a German U-boat attack

The Great War
Provides a detailed list of WWI-related Web sites

The Great War Society 1914-1918
A site for students and researchers that features numerous links to WWI topics

Influenza 1918 (PBS)
Site focuses on influenza attacks in America and features an interactive map

American Leaders Speak (Library of Congress)
This LOC site has 59 brief sound recordings of speeches by American leaders from 1918 to 1920. The speeches focus on issues and events surrounding the First World War and the subsequent presidential election of 1920.

See also Twentieth Century: World War 1

Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides, Activities and more

Lesson Plan: U.S. Entry into WWI
Presented by MarcoPolo, this lesson plan is for high school students. Students will examine the events and factors that led to U.S. participation in the war. The lesson plan provides some resources and several guiding questions for students to follow.

Lesson Plan: The Debate in the United States Over the League of Nations
In this MarcoPolo lesson plan, students revive the League of Nations debate and examine all sides of the argument. Lesson plan comes with Adobe Acrobat printout and links to relevant resources. For grades 9-12

Lesson Plan - The Great War: Evaluating the Treaty of Versailles
Designed by MarcoPolo, this lesson plan come with an ample supply of resources and documents. Students are asked to analyze the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and then analyze the German response. The lesson plan includes a copy of the treaty and Hitler's 1923 response. This is a High school level lesson plan.

Teacher's Guide: Lost Peace
Investigate the intersection of isolationism, fascism, and the establishment of the League of Nations at the close of World War I. From PBS People's Century.

Woodrow Wilson and the Great War: Multiple Choice Quiz, Fill-in-the-Blank, Flashcards, American History Glossary, and an American History Appendix
The Student Resources section of The American Nation companion web site features introductions to chapters, interactive quizzes, flashcards, web links, an American History Glossary, and an American History Appendix

CEC: Group Newspaper Presentations
In this mini-lesson, students will create a Newspaper about World War I. Students work in small groups to research and write. Lesson plan includes grading outline. Recommended for grades 9-12.

Drums of War: Exploring How Politics Shapes American War Policy
In this New York Times lesson, students will research the political climate prior to major American wars of the past, then reflect on the current call for power to confront Iraq.(September 23, 2002)

Interpreting Primary Sources: World War 1
Digital History provides brief excerpts from primary sources and statistics and questions to think about.

Digital History Resource Guides
The Digital Resource Guides provide links to American history web sites by period and provide historical overviews, readings (online textbook chapter, Reader's Companion), primary source documents (documents, maps, cartoons), teaching resources (chronologies, maps, quizzes), audio-visual resources, and additional resources. The Guides are an excellent and comprehensive teaching resource.

HistoryTeacher.net: AP United States History Quizzes
A New York teacher has produced a great general site for history teachers that offers AP-level United States history quizzes on many different periods and topics.

AP United States History DBQs:1875-1925
These student-created DBQs are part of the excellent Historyteacher.net site

The American People: The Great War
PowerPoint Presentation on America and World War I as part of the online companion to The American People. Click Chapter 22.

World War I: Blank Map
The companion web site to The American People offers blank maps related to various topics in American history. The maps can be printed or placed in a PowerPoint presentation

The American Nation: Internet Activities
Prentice Hall's phschool.com offers internet activities based on their The American Nation textbook chapters. Middle School grades.

A History of the United States: Internet Activities and Student Self Test Questions
Prentice Hall's phschool.com offers internet activities and interactive quizzes based on A History of the United States textbook chapters. High School.

See also Twentieth Century: World War 1

Teaching History with Technology
Tom Daccord
July 13-15, in Boston
(sold out 2007, 2008)

Teaching English and Language Arts with Technology
Carla Beard
July 6-8, Boston
(sold out in 2007)

Teaching the "Flat Classroom"
Vicki Davis
June 25-26, Boston

Google Tools for Schools
Carol LaRow
August 3-5, Boston

Creative Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards
Darren Kuropatwa
July 16-17

Free and Open Source Applications for Educators
Alex Inman
June 9-10

21st Century Leadership Symposium
Dennis Richards, Tom Daccord, Justin Reich
August 6-7

Enhanced Podcasting for Educators
Douglas Kiang
July 1-2

Digital Storytelling & Portfolios
Alycia Scott-Hiser
June 23-24

and more...



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