New Hampshire Bedrock Study


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The New Hampshire Bedrock Aquifer Resource Assessment Program produced a number of report products to help in the understanding and management of ground-water resources within the State.


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Predictive information was developed to help assess water-supply development potential of bedrock aquifer sites throughout the State. The statistical model is presented in the report Factors Related to Well Yield in the Fractured-Bedrock Aquifer of New Hampshire.
report cover: PP1660
An evaluation of the effectiveness of geophysical tools, used in locating potential high-yield zones, is presented in the report Geophysical Investigations of Well Fields to Characterize Fractured-Bedrock Aquifers in Southern New Hampshire
report cover: WRIR01-4183
A statistical evaluation of water-quality data, for the bedrock aquifer, is presented in the report Quality of water in the fractured-bedrock aquifer of New Hampshire
report cover: SIR2004-5093
Report describing the methods used to create the statewide set of lineament maps. Criteria and methods for fracture-trace analysis of the New Hampshire bedrock aquifer
report cover: OFR96-479

Maps for the entire State were produced providing the locations of lineaments on the land surface. An example is shown below with the aerial photograph on the left and the accompanying map on the right.

Index map and list of these map publications

aerial photo and lineament example



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Page Last Modified: November 11, 2008