HHS Fact Sheet

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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996

	On August 22, President Clinton signed into law "The Personal 
Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996," a 
comprehensive bipartisan welfare reform plan that will dramatically change 
the nation's welfare system into one that requires work in exchange for time-
limited assistance.  The bill contains strong work requirements, a 
performance bonus to reward states for moving welfare recipients into jobs, 
state maintenance of effort requirements, comprehensive child support 
enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work 
-- including increased funding for child care and guaranteed medical 

	Highlights of "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity 
Reconciliation Act of 1996" follow.


o	Work requirements.  Under the new law, recipients must work after two 
years on assistance, with few exceptions.  Twenty-five percent of all 
families in each state must be engaged in work activities or have left the 
rolls in fiscal year (FY) 1997, rising to 50 percent in FY 2002.  Single 
parents must participate for at least 20 hours per week the first year, 
increasing to at least 30 hours per week by FY 2000.  Two-parent families 
must work 35 hours per week by July 1, 1997.
o	Supports for families transitioning into jobs.  The new welfare law 
provides $14 billion in child care funding -- an increase of $3.5 billion 
over current law -- to help more mothers move into jobs.  The new law also 
guarantees that women on welfare continue to receive health coverage for 
their families, including at least one year of transitional Medicaid when 
they leave welfare for work.

o	Work Activities.  To count toward state work requirements, recipients 
will be required to participate in unsubsidized or subsidized employment, on-
the-job training, work experience, community service, 12 months of vocational 
training, or provide child care services to individuals who are participating 
in community service.  Up to 6 weeks of job search (no more than 4 
consecutive weeks) would count toward the work requirement.  However, no more 
than 20 percent of each state's caseload may count toward the work 
requirement solely by participating in vocational training or by being a teen 
parent in secondary school.  Single parents with a child under 6 who cannot 
find child care cannot be penalized for failure to meet the work 
requirements.  States can exempt from the work requirement single parents 
with children under age one and disregard these individuals in the 
calculation of participation rates for up to 12 months.     

o	A five-year time limit.  Families who have received assistance for 
five cumulative years (or less at state option) will be ineligible for cash 
aid under the new welfare law.  States will be permitted to exempt up to 20 
percent of their caseload from the time limit, and states will have the 
option to provide non-cash assistance and vouchers to families that reach the 
time limit using Social Services Block Grant or state funds. 

o	Personal employability plans.  Under the new plan, states are 
required to make an initial assessment of recipients' skills.  States can 
also develop personal responsibility plans for recipients identifying the 
education, training, and job placement services needed to move into the 

o	State maintenance of effort requirements.  The new welfare law 
requires states to maintain their own spending on welfare at at least 80 
percent of FY 1994 levels.  States must also maintain spending at 100 percent 
of FY 1994 levels to access a $2 billion contingency fund designed to assist 
states affected by high population growth or economic downturn.  In addition, 
states must maintain 100 percent of FY 1994 or FY 1995 spending on child care 
(whichever is greater) to access additional child care funds beyond their 
initial allotment. 

o	Job subsidies.  The law also allows states to create jobs by taking 
money now used for welfare checks and using it to create community service 
jobs or to provide income subsidies or hiring incentives for potential 

o	Performance bonus to reward work.  $1 billion will be available 
through FY 2003 for performance bonuses to reward states for moving welfare 
recipients into jobs.  The Secretary of HHS, in consultation with the 
National Governors' Association (NGA) and American Public Welfare Association 
(APWA), will develop criteria for measuring state performance.  

o	State flexibility.  Under the new law, states which receive approval 
for welfare reform waivers before July 1, 1997 have the option to operate 
their cash assistance program under some or all of these waivers.  For states 
electing this option, some provisions of the new law which are inconsistent 
with the waivers would not take effect until the expiration of the applicable 
waivers in the geographical areas covered by the waivers.  


Comprehensive child support enforcement.  The new law includes the child 
support enforcement measures President Clinton proposed in 1994 -- the most 
sweeping crackdown on non-paying parents in history.  These measures could 
increase child support collections by $24 billion and reduce federal welfare 
costs by $4 billion over 10 years.  Under the new law, each state must 
operate a child support enforcement program meeting federal requirements in 
order to be eligible for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) block 
grants.  Provisions include:

o	National new hire reporting system.  The law establishes a Federal 
Case Registry and National Directory of New Hires to track delinquent parents 
across state lines.  It also requires that employers report all new hires to 
state agencies for transmittal of new hire information to the National 
Directory of New Hires.  This builds on President Clinton's June 1996 
executive action to track delinquent parents across state lines.  The law 
also expands and streamlines procedures for direct withholding of child 
support from wages.

o	Streamlined paternity establishment.  The new law streamlines the 
legal process for paternity establishment, making it easier and faster to 
establish paternities.  It also expands the voluntary in-hospital paternity 
establishment program, started by the Clinton Administration in 1993, and 
requires a state form for voluntary paternity acknowledgement.  In addition, 
the law mandates that states publicize the availability and encourage the use 
of voluntary paternity establishment processes.  Individuals who fail to 
cooperate with paternity establishment will have their monthly cash 
assistance reduced by at least 25 percent.

o	Uniform interstate child support laws.  The new law provides for 
uniform rules, procedures, and forms for interstate cases.

o	Computerized state-wide collections.  The new law requires states to 
establish central registries of child support orders and centralized 
collection and disbursement units.  It also requires expedited state 
procedures for child support enforcement.

o	Tough new penalties.  Under the new law, states can implement tough 
child support enforcement techniques.  The new law will expand wage 
garnishment, allow states to seize assets, allows states to require community 
service in some cases, and enable states to revoke drivers and professional 
licenses for parents who owe delinquent child support.  

o	"Families First."  Under a new "Family First" policy, families no 
longer receiving assistance will have priority in the distribution of child 
support arrears.  This new policy will bring families who have left welfare 
for work about $1 billion in support over the first six years.      

o	Access and visitation programs.  In an effort to increase 
noncustodial parents' involvement in their children's lives, the new law 
includes grants to help states establish programs that support and facilitate 
noncustodial parents' visitation with and access to their children.

Teen Parent Provisions 

o	Live at home and stay in school requirements.  Under the new law, 
unmarried minor parents will be required to live with a responsible adult or 
in an adult-supervised setting and participate in educational and training 
activities in order to receive assistance.  States will be responsible for 
locating or assisting in locating adult-supervised settings for teens.

o	Teen Pregnancy Prevention.  Starting in FY 1998, $50 million a year 
in mandatory funds would be added to the appropriations of the Maternal and 
Child Health (MCH) Block Grant for abstinence education.  In addition, the 
Secretary of HHS will establish and implement a strategy to (1) prevent non-
marital teen births, and (2) assure that at least 25 percent of communities 
have teen pregnancy prevention programs.  No later than January 1, 1997, the 
Attorney General will establish a program that studies the linkage between 
statutory rape and teen pregnancy, and that educates law enforcement 
officials on the prevention and prosecution of statutory rape. 


President Clinton vetoed the previous welfare reform bill (H.R. 4) submitted 
by Congress because it did too little to move people into jobs and failed to 
provide the supports -- like child care and health care -- that families need 
to move from welfare to work.  "The Personal Responsibility and Work 
Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996" includes several improvements over 
the vetoed bill, including:
o	Guaranteed medical coverage.  The new law preserves the national 
guarantee of health care for poor children, the disabled, pregnant women, the 
elderly, and people on welfare.  H.R. 4 would have ended the guarantee of 
Medicaid coverage for cash assistance recipients. 
o	Increased child care funding and mandatory child care maintenance of 
effort.  The new law provides $14 billion in child care funding -- an 
increase of $3.5 billion over 6 years -- allowing more mothers to leave 
welfare for work.  States will receive an initial allotment each year from a 
fund of approximately $1.2 billion.  To access additional funds, states must 
maintain their own spending at 100 percent of their FY 1994 or 1995 spending 
on child care (whichever is higher).  By contrast, H.R. 4 increased child 
care funding by just $300 million over current law, and did not require 
states to meet child care maintenance of effort requirements to access 
additional federal child care funding, allowing states to lower their own 

o	Incentives for states to move people into jobs.  The new law includes 
a $1 billion performance bonus to reward states that meet performance 
targets.  H.R. 4 did not contain a cash performance bonus. 

o	Preservation of nutrition programs.  H.R. 4 would have given states 
the option of block granting food stamp benefits.  The bill would have also 
capped federal food stamp program expenditures, limiting maximum benefit 
increases to 2 percent per year, regardless of growth in need for assistance. 
 The new law maintains the national nutritional safety net by eliminating the 
block grant option as well as the food stamp cap.    

o	Current law child protection and adoption.  Unlike H.R. 4, the new 
plan maintains 
	current law on child protection and adoption, and does not reduce 
funds for child welfare, child abuse, foster care and adoption services. 

o	Improved contingency fund.  The new law includes a $2 billion 
contingency fund to protect states in times of population growth or economic 
downturn.  H.R. 4 included a $1 billion contingency fund.    

o	Current law child care health and safety standards.  The new law 
protects children by maintaining health and safety standards for day care.  
H.R. 4 would have eliminated health and safety protections.  

o	Protection of disabled children.  H.R. 4 would have cut SSI by 25 
percent for many disabled children.  The new law eliminates this proposed two-
tier system.

o	Optional family cap.  Under the new law, states have the option to 
implement a family cap.  H.R. 4 required states to deny cash benefits to 
children born to welfare recipients unless the state legislature explicitly 
voted to provide benefits.


President Clinton has stated that the new law requires several improvements.  
Specifically, he has pledged to fix two provisions of the welfare bill which 
he believes have nothing to do with welfare reform.  

o	Food Stamps.  According to President Clinton, the new law cuts deeper 
than it should in Food Stamps, mostly for working families who have high 
shelter costs.  

o	Legal Immigrants.  The law includes provisions that would deny most 
forms of public assistance to most legal immigrants for five years or until 
they attain citizenship.  The President has said that legal immigrants who 
fall on hard times through no fault of their own and need help should get it, 
although their sponsors should take additional responsibility for them. 


Even before Congress passed welfare reform legislation acceptable to 
President Clinton, states were acting to try new approaches.  With 
encouragement, support, and cooperation from the Clinton Administration, 43 
states have moved forward with 78 welfare reform experiments.  The Clinton 
Administration has also required teen mothers to stay in school, required 
federal employees to pay their child support, and cracked down on people who 
owe child support and cross state lines.  As a result of these efforts and 
President Clinton's efforts to strengthen the economy, child support 
collections have increased by 40 percent to $11 billion in FY 1995, and there 
are 1.6 million fewer people on welfare today than when President Clinton 
took office.  "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity 
Reconciliation Act of 1996" will build on these efforts by allowing states 
flexibility to reform their welfare systems and to build on demonstrations 
initiated under the Clinton Administration.