Recall a Checked-Out Item

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How to Recall a Checked-Out Item

To recall an item that is currently checked out to another user from a Library Catalog record:

  1. Click on the Request an Item button below the banner.
  2. Log in with your library account number and last name. Note: only eligible users can submit recalls.
  3. Select "Recall a checked-out item" from the pull-down menu.  Click OK.
  4. Select the copy you want to recall.
  5. Enter your library card number.
  6. Select a pick-up location. Note: Young Research Library is the default pick-up location.
  7. Click on the Submit Request button to transmit the request.
  8. When you finish your session, click on the Exit/Logout button below the banner or in the footer. This will close the browser and prevent other users from viewing account information.

You will be notified by email or U.S. mail as soon as the item becomes available; this generally takes one to two weeks.