Course Reserves

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About Course Reserves

The Course Reserves tab in the UCLA Library Catalog is a Web-based course reserves system for the Arts, Biomedical, College, East Asian, Management, Music, Research, and Science and Engineering libraries. All materials placed on reserve in these libraries can be searched from this tab, including:

  • Library-owned materials (books, compact disks, video, etc.)
  • Instructors’ personal copies of materials
  • Electronic documents (articles from online journals, scanned versions of print documents, sound recordings, images, and Web pages)

Course lists from this tab show the circulation status of library-owned materials and instructors’ personal copies. To optimize student access, Reserve Services will provide electronic access whenever possible. Electronic documents can be viewed, read, or listened to; downloaded, if authorized; or printed. Course lists can also contain links to other Web sites, either created by instructors or departments or links to resources outside of UCLA.