Information Literacy Program

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About the Program

The goal of the Information Literacy Program is to help students master information skills that will enrich their academic and personal lives and enable them to become independent lifelong learners.

An information-literate student

  • can articulate an information need clearly, effectively search for and find sources to meet that need, and evaluate both the sources and the information they provide for authority and relative worth;
  • uses and synthesizes the materials to create a suitable product, such as a research paper or presentation, that properly credits all sources and research partners; 
  • understands how research is produced in his or her major and discusses some of the important societal issues regarding information access and new information technologies.

Librarians help students achieve this set of abilities and skills by working with faculty; creating online tutorials, research guides, and tip sheets; teaching a class session or a whole course; and consulting with students and participating in courses, in person or virtually, as a research resource and coach. 

The program invites ideas, projects, and collaborations that enhance students’ information literacy skills.  Contact program director Robert Gore or the appropriate subject specialist for additional information.