UCLA Library Conduct Policies

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Conduct in the UCLA Libraries

The UCLA Library provides educational resources and services to support learning and scholarship at UCLA. The Library creates and maintains a productive environment conducive to thought, research, and study for members of the academic community.

It is the responsibility of Library users to contribute to this atmosphere and to respect the needs of other users. Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Disrupting in any manner the provision of an environment that is conducive to study;
  • Deliberate misuse of materials or equipment that interferes with or prevents timely access to resources or equipment by other users or staff;
  • Violation of university policies, including policies on computer and network use, cell phone use, electronic communications, and harassment;
  • Vandalism, theft, or defacement of library materials or other property;
  • Refusal to comply with instructions of UCLA Library staff and campus officials.

The Library is committed to the safety of all users and takes seriously its obligation to manage disruptive behavior quickly and professionally. Please contact a Library staff member or community service officer if you need assistance; if necessary, they will call campus police.