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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 3.3a
Among adults age 18 and over who reported making an appointment for routine health care in the last 12 months, percent distribution of how often they got an appointment as soon as wanted, United States, 2003
        Appointment as soon as wanted
        Always Usually Sometimes/never
Population group Total population (in thousands)e Percent had appointment Percent Standard error Percent Standard error Percent Standard error
Total 213,354 66.1 49.3 0.6 35.6 0.5 15.1 0.4
Race White only 175,615 67.7 49.5 0.6 36.3 0.6 14.2 0.5
Black only 24,231 58.3 53.2 1.8 28.9 1.8 17.9 1.4
AI/AN only 1,455 61.9 DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU
Asian only 8,989 54.9 37.8 2.7 34.8 2.7 27.4 2.7
Multiple races 2,410 70.1 42.7 4.4 41.7 4.2 15.6 2.9
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 26,414 46.8 45.2 1.6 34.1 1.1 20.7 1.2
Non-Hispanic, all races 186,940 68.8 49.7 0.6 35.8 0.6 14.5 0.5
Non-Hispanic, White 150,375 71.2 50.0 0.7 36.5 0.7 13.5 0.5
Non-Hispanic, Black 23,696 58.3 53.1 1.9 29.0 1.9 17.8 1.5
Non-Hispanic, other 12,868 59.4 39.9 2.2 36.8 2.1 23.3 2.0
Gender Male 102,726 56.7 50.2 0.8 34.4 0.8 15.4 0.7
Female 110,628 74.8 48.7 0.7 36.5 0.7 14.8 0.5
Age 18-44 109,549 57.2 44.4 0.9 36.3 0.8 19.3 0.7
45-64 69,216 71.9 50.3 1.0 35.6 0.9 14.1 0.7
65 and over 34,588 83.0 58.8 1.2 34.1 1.1 7.0 0.6
Educationa Less than high school 41,881 55.8 51.5 1.3 31.3 1.1 17.2 1.0
High school graduate 68,865 62.1 51.2 1.0 35.8 0.9 13.0 0.7
At least some college 101,335 73.0 47.6 0.9 36.8 0.8 15.6 0.6
Employment statusb Employed 143,962 62.1 46.6 0.7 36.4 0.7 17.0 0.6
Not employed 34,803 66.2 48.5 1.4 34.3 1.3 17.2 1.0
Health insurance, age 18-64 Any private 133,738 68.8 47.7 0.7 36.5 0.7 15.8 0.6
Public only 15,861 66.4 45.6 1.8 33.2 1.7 21.2 1.4
Uninsured 29,166 33.4 41.6 2.0 33.8 1.8 24.6 1.6
Health insurance, age 65 and over Medicare only 9,879 77.6 64.4 2.4 28.6 2.2 7.0 1.1
Medicare and private 20,660 86.1 57.4 1.6 36.9 1.6 5.6 0.7
Medicare and other public 3,731 82.5 53.3 3.4 32.7 3.1 14.0 2.4
Family incomec Negative/poor 22,629 56.1 47.4 1.5 30.9 1.4 21.7 1.3
Near poor/low 37,149 58.4 49.6 1.4 33.9 1.2 16.4 1.0
Middle 65,642 63.7 49.2 1.0 35.5 0.9 15.3 0.8
High 87,933 73.5 49.6 0.8 37.1 0.8 13.2 0.6
Residence locationd Metropolitan-large 115,287 65.1 48.3 0.8 35.5 0.8 16.2 0.6
Metropolitan-small 63,129 68.1 49.1 0.9 36.2 0.8 14.7 0.8
Micropolitan 23,134 66.4 53.1 1.9 34.5 2.0 12.4 1.2
Noncore-adjacent 7,634 65.9 51.4 2.8 36.1 3.0 12.5 1.4
Noncore-not adjacent 4,170 62.4 55.0 3.6 36.1 4.1 8.9 2.1
Perceived health status Excellent/very good/good 185,679 64.3 49.6 0.6 35.6 0.6 14.8 0.5
Fair/Poor 27,658 78.2 47.6 1.3 35.9 1.2 16.5 0.9

a Less than high school refers to fewer than 12 years of education; high school graduate, 12 years of education; and at least some college, more than 12 years of education.

b Employment status for persons age 18-64 only.

c Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

d See the MEPS entry in the Data Sources section of the Measure Specifications Appendix for more information.

e Total adult population, age 18 and over. Numbers may not add to total due to missing or rounding.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; NHOPI: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

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