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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 2.6a
Percent of adult surgery patients who received prophylactic antibiotics within 1 hour prior to surgical incision, Medicare beneficiaries, United States, 2004
Population group Percent Standard error
Total 66.3 1.2
Gender Male 65.5 0.5
Female 67.4 0.4
Race White 66.8 0.3
Black 63.8 1.4
Hispanic 60.1 2.6
Native American 64.8 3.4
Asian 74.1 3.0
Age Under 65 66.1 1.0
65-74 66.8 0.5
75-84 67.2 0.5
85 and over 63.4 1.1

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicare Quality Improvement Organization Program.

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