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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 2.40
Percent of patients with adverse drug events: anticoagulant related low molecular weight heparin and factor Xa, United States, 2004a
Population group Exposed Adverse events Percent Standard error
Total 4,649 449 9.7 0.4
Age Under 65 620 51 8.2 1.1
65-74 1,497 123 8.2 0.7
75-84 1,751 189 10.8 0.7
85 and over 781 86 11.0 1.1
Gender Female 2,707 252 9.3 0.6
Male 1,942 197 10.1 0.7
Race Black 449 49 10.9 1.5
Other 223 15 6.7 1.7
White 3,977 385 9.7 0.5
Diabetes No 3,083 296 9.6 0.5
Yes 1,566 153 9.8 0.8
Obesity No 3,942 382 9.7 0.5
Yes 707 67 9.5 1.1
Cerebrovascular disease No 3,547 331 9.3 0.5
Yes 1,102 118 10.7 0.9
CHF/pulmonary edema No 2,994 251 8.4 0.5
Yes 1,655 198 12.0 0.8
COPD No 3,077 280 9.1 0.5
Yes 1,572 169 10.8 0.8
Smoking No 3,968 382 9.6 0.5
Yes 681 67 9.8 1.1
Cancer No 3,550 316 8.9 0.5
Yes 1,099 133 12.1 1.0
Corticosteroids No 4,290 409 9.5 0.4
Yes 359 40 11.1 1.7
Coronary artery disease No 2,202 187 8.5 0.6
Yes 2,447 262 10.7 0.6
Renal disease No 3,620 293 8.1 0.5
Yes 1,029 156 15.2 1.1

a Data include Medicare beneficiaries discharged from January to December. Readmissions are supposed to be counted in the numerators according to the measure specifications, but were not counted because the data were not available at this time.

Key: CHF: congestive heart failure; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicare Patient Safety Monitoring System.

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