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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.128b
Percent of home health care patients who get better at walking or moving around, by State, 2005
State Number of providers Percent Standard error
United States 6,455 36.9 0.1
Alabama 140 38.8 0.8
Alaska 11 32.6 2.1
Arizona 66 35.0 1.0
Arkansas 146 34.6 0.8
California 521 37.9 0.5
Colorado 101 35.1 0.8
Connecticut 73 34.3 0.7
Delaware 14 31.4 2.3
District of Columbia 13 31.8 3.2
Florida 511 37.2 0.4
Georgia 92 39.5 0.9
Hawaii 14 38.9 1.7
Idaho 48 34.5 1.3
Illinois 292 37.5 0.6
Indiana 134 37.9 0.8
Iowa 140 33.0 0.9
Kansas 96 35.9 1.1
Kentucky 99 38.0 0.8
Louisiana 180 36.5 0.9
Maine 26 37.9 1.1
Maryland 44 38.3 0.9
Massachusetts 97 35.1 0.9
Michigan 250 37.5 0.6
Minnesota 128 33.1 0.8
Mississippi 53 39.3 1.3
Missouri 142 37.2 0.7
Montana 29 34.9 1.7
Nebraska 51 35.5 1.5
Nevada 47 38.7 1.5
New Hampshire 31 35.9 1.1
New Jersey 48 39.3 0.7
New Mexico 56 39.8 1.1
New York 160 34.4 0.5
North Carolina 159 38.4 0.5
North Dakota 23 35.4 2.3
Ohio 273 36.2 0.6
Oklahoma 165 34.3 0.8
Oregon 58 36.0 0.9
Pennsylvania 229 39.0 0.6
Rhode Island 21 33.1 1.4
South Carolina 63 41.8 1.0
South Dakota 29 35.7 2.1
Tennessee 131 40.5 0.8
Texas 977 36.1 0.4
Utah 45 41.4 1.3
Vermont 12 35.8 2.8
Virginia 146 39.1 0.7
Washington 57 36.0 0.8
West Virginia 57 41.1 1.2
Wisconsin 90 34.6 0.9
Wyoming 18 38.9 1.6

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Outcome and Assessment Information Set. Data were downloaded from on March 31, 2006.

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