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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.79
Percent of children age 3-6 whose vision was checked by a doctor or other health provider, United States, 2001 and 2003
    2003 2001
Population group Total population(in thousands)f Percent Standard error Total population (in thousands)f Percent Standard error
Total 15,622 60.7 1.5 15,821 59.3 1.5
Racea White only 12,146 60.6 1.7 -- -- --
Black only 2,365 61.8 3.2 -- -- --
AI/AN only 145 DSU DSU -- -- --
Asian only 500 DSU DSU -- -- --
NHOPI only 38 DSU DSU -- -- --
Multiple races 427 DSU DSU -- -- --
Ethnicityb Hispanic, all races 3,203 57.9 2.6 3,139 51.6 2.6
Non-Hispanic, all races 12,419 61.4 1.8 12,682 61.2 1.7
Non-Hispanic, White 9,087 61.6 2.1 9,324 59.9 2.0
Non-Hispanic, Black 2,273 62.0 3.2 2,537 67.7 3.1
Non-Hispanic, other 1,059 58.4 4.8 DSU DSU DSU
Gender Male 7,789 59.4 2.0 8,046 60.7 1.8
Female 7,833 62.0 2.1 7,775 57.8 2.1
Health insurance Any private 10,143 62.6 2.0 10,374 62.1 1.9
Public only 4,692 58.6 2.2 4,276 55.1 2.3
Uninsured 787 48.5 6.6 1,170 49.0 5.1
Family incomec Negative/poor 2,990 58.2 2.9 2,999 53.0 2.8
Near poor/low income 3,606 57.5 2.9 3,690 57.6 2.7
Middle income 4,900 60.2 2.9 5,081 56.1 2.7
High income 4,127 65.8 3.1 4,050 69.4 2.8
Residence locationd Metropolitan-large 8,832 62.0 2.1 8,962 59.8 2.1
Metropolitan-small 4,647 59.9 2.9 4,382 59.0 2.6
Micropolitan 1,346 57.6 4.1 1,714 55.2 4.3
Noncore 798 56.6 5.0 763 63.3 4.6
Perceived health status Excellent/very good/good 15,322 60.8 1.5 15,522 59.2 1.5
Fair/poor 300 DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU
CSHCNe Yes 2,323 60.6 3.3 2,344 70.7 3.0
No 13,132 60.3 1.6 13,429 57.3 1.7

a Prior to 2002, racial categories were not directly comparable to those used for 2002 data; thus, race data for 2000 are not shown.

b Beginning in 2002, individuals could report multiple races.For 2002 and later years, Non-Hispanic categories exclude multiple race individuals and are not directly comparable to data from previous years.

c Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

d See the MEPS entry in the Data Sources section of the Measure Specifications Appendix for more information.

e Unknown is not shown.

f Numbers may not add to total due to missing or rounding.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

-- Data not shown. See footnote a.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; NHOPI: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; CSHCN: children with special health care needs.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

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