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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.63
HIV patients age 18 and over with CD4 cell count less than 200 who received PCP prophylaxis,a United States, 2003
Population group Percent Standard error
Total 83.9 0.7
Age 18-44 84.2 0.8
45 and over 83.5 1.1
Gender Male 84.7 0.7
Female 81.4 1.4
Insurance Private 81.6 2.4
Medicaid/dual eligible 86.6 0.9
Medicare 84.9 1.8
Other/uninsured 84.5 1.6
Race White 83.5 1.3
Black 83.1 1.0
Hispanic 86.4 1.3
Other 90.2 4.7

a For HIV patients having at least 2 CD4 tests <200 during the year.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: PCP: Pneumocystis pneumonia.

Source: HIV Research Network.

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