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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.59
Percent of adults age 18 and over who were obese who were given advice about exercise, United States, 2003
Population group Total population (in thousands) Percent Standard error
Total 52,111 58.2 0.9
Race White only 41,092 58.5 0.9
Black only 9,025 56.3 1.8
Asian only DSU DSU DSU
Multiple races 852 63.4 6.3
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 7,045 47.2 1.9
Non-Hispanic, all races 45,067 60.0 1.0
Non-Hispanic, White 34,397 60.9 1.1
Non-Hispanic, Black 8,847 56.2 1.9
Non-Hispanic, other 8,868 50.0 1.9
Gender Male 24,621 53.8 1.3
Female 27,490 62.2 1.0
Age 18-44 24,403 48.8 1.3
45-64 20,329 67.1 1.2
65 and over 7,379 64.9 2.1
Educationa Less than high school 11,277 52.2 1.8
High school graduate 18,745 56.7 1.2
At least some college 21,803 62.7 1.3
Employment statusb Employed 34,501 55.5 1.0
Not employed 10,231 62.5 1.6
Health insurance, age 18-64 Any private 32,324 60.3 1.1
Public only 5,623 58.9 1.9
Uninsured 6,785 40.3 2.1
Health insurance, age 65 and over Medicare only 1,837 57.5 4.6
Medicare and private 4,458 69.1 2.7
Medicare and other public 1,047 58.9 4.3
Family incomec Negative/poor 6,342 52.2 2.0
Near poor/low income 9,912 51.5 1.7
Middle income 16,688 57.4 1.5
High income 19,168 64.5 1.3
Residence locationd Metropolitan-large 27,089 58.7 1.1
Metropolitan-small 15,663 60.0 1.6
Micropolitan 5,879 54.7 3.0
Noncore-adjacent 2,199 48.9 3.4
Noncore-not adjacent 1,282 60.0 2.6
Perceived health status Excellent/very good/good 41,850 55.2 1.0
Fair/poor 10,262 70.7 1.6

a Less than high school graduate refers to fewer than 12 years of education; high school graduate, 12 years of education; and at least some college, more than 12 years of education.

b Employment status for persons age 18-64 only.

c Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

d See the MEPS entry in the Data Sources section of the Measures Specifications Appendix for more information.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; NHOPI: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Source:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

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