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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.56
Deaths per 1,000 admissions with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) as principal diagnosis, age 18 and older (excluding transfers to another hospital), United States, 2001 and 2003
    2003 2001
Population group Ratea Standard error Ratea Standard error
Total 86.9 0.7 99.1 0.7
Age 18-44 70.5 3.0 74.8 3.1
45-64 75.8 1.2 80.3 1.3
65 and over 93.9 0.9 110.9 0.9
Age 65-69 81.9 2.2 88.3 2.3
70-74 78.2 2.1 93.0 2.1
75-79 90.0 2.0 104.7 2.0
80-84 100.8 2.1 116.8 2.1
85 and over 112.2 1.9 143.0 1.9
Gender Male 90.3 0.9 100.3 1.0
Female 82.0 1.1 97.4 1.1
Median income of patient's ZIP Code Less than $25,000 83.6 3.9 104.1 3.0
$25,000-$34,999 91.3 1.6 101.9 1.5
$35,000-$44,999 89.4 1.3 100.0 1.4
$45,000 or more 83.5 1.1 96.3 1.1
Location of patient residence Metropolitan-large 84.3 1.0 96.0 1.0
Metropolitan-small 84.1 1.3 100.8 1.4
Micropolitan 97.7 2.1 102.0 2.1
Noncore 95.8 2.4 109.5 2.6
Expected payment source Private insurance 93.5 1.4 98.6 1.3
Medicare 81.6 0.9 98.4 0.9
Medicaid 91.3 3.2 101.6 3.4
Other insurance 100.6 4.7 105.8 5.1
Uninsured/self pay/no charge 105.0 3.4 109.0 3.8
Region of inpatient treatment Northeast 83.8 1.6 98.8 1.6
Midwest 82.0 1.5 101.1 1.6
South 89.6 1.1 98.7 1.1
West 91.8 1.8 97.9 1.8
Ownership/control of hospital Private, not-for-profit 86.4 0.8 98.2 0.8
Private, for-profit 85.3 1.9 99.4 2.1
Public 92.2 2.2 106.4 2.3
Teaching status of hospital Teaching 85.4 1.2 97.0 1.2
Non-teaching 87.7 0.9 100.4 0.9
Location of hospital Metropolitan-large 85.1 1.0 96.0 1.0
Metropolitan-small 85.5 1.2 100.7 1.2
Micropolitan 103.3 3.0 105.7 3.0
Noncore 106.4 4.9 133.2 4.9
Bed size of hospital Less than 100 103.3 2.8 114.8 2.8
100-299 85.3 1.2 100.3 1.2
300-499 85.2 1.3 96.4 1.2
500 or more 86.9 1.4 96.9 1.5

a Estimates are adjusted by age, gender, age-gender interactions, and APR-DRG risk of mortality score. When reporting is by age, the adjustment is by gender and APR-DRG risk of mortality score; when reporting is by gender, the adjustment is by age and APR-DRG risk of mortality score.

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Inpatient Sample.

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