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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.32a
Percent of hemodialysis patients with hemoglobin 11 gm/dL or higher, United States, 2002 and 2004
    2004 2002
Population group Number Percent Standard error Number Percent Standard error
Total 8,479 83 0.4 8,487 79 0.4
Age 18-44 1,221 83 1.1 1,353 76 1.2
45-64 3,419 82 0.7 3,306 78 0.7
65 and over 3,839 85 0.6 3,828 80 0.6
Gender Male 4,558 84 0.5 4,605 80 0.6
Female 3,921 83 0.6 3,882 77 0.7
Race White only 4,590 84 0.5 4,632 79 0.6
Black only 3,013 82 0.7 3,058 77 0.8
Asian only 239 82 2.5 217 81 2.7
American Indian/Alaska Native only 150 86 2.8 161 78 3.3
Multiple races 195 85 2.6 243 80 2.6
Ethnicity Non-Hispanic, all races 7,313 83 0.4 7,251 78 0.5
Non-Hispanic, White 3,687 84 0.6 3,709 78 0.7
Non-Hispanic, Black 2,936 82 0.7 2,988 77 0.8
Hispanic, all races 1,048 85 1.1 1,140 83 1.1

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Clinical Performance Measures Project.

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