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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.13b
Cancer deaths per 100,000 population per year for colorectal cancer,a by State, 1999 and 2003
  2003 1999
State Number Rate Standard error Number Rate Standard error
United States 55,957 19.1 0.1 57,155 20.9 0.1
Alabama 891 18.9 0.6 848 19.0 0.7
Alaska 67 18.0 2.4 61 20.8 3.0
Arizona 1,010 18.2 0.6 867 17.5 0.6
Arkansas 631 21.0 0.8 623 21.7 0.9
California 5,353 17.0 0.2 5,155 18.1 0.3
Colorado 639 17.1 0.7 604 17.9 0.7
Connecticut 688 17.4 0.7 776 20.7 0.7
Delaware 190 22.4 1.6 183 23.6 1.8
District of Columbia 108 19.3 1.9 142 25.5 2.1
Florida 3,712 16.8 0.3 3,967 19.4 0.3
Georgia 1,341 19.0 0.5 1,192 18.5 0.5
Hawaii 239 17.4 1.1 169 13.8 1.1
Idaho 218 17.0 1.2 217 18.8 1.3
Illinois 2,623 21.0 0.4 2,757 23.1 0.4
Indiana 1,281 20.5 0.6 1,388 23.5 0.6
Iowa 708 19.9 0.8 735 21.5 0.8
Kansas 529 18.2 0.8 585 20.7 0.9
Kentucky 949 22.8 0.7 862 21.9 0.7
Louisiana 1,002 23.5 0.7 954 23.7 0.8
Maine 285 18.6 1.1 333 23.4 1.3
Maryland 1,021 19.5 0.6 1,068 22.4 0.7
Massachusetts 1,335 18.8 0.5 1,529 22.4 0.6
Michigan 1,908 18.7 0.4 2,029 21.2 0.5
Minnesota 961 18.6 0.6 898 18.7 0.6
Mississippi 586 20.7 0.9 582 21.6 0.9
Missouri 1,225 19.9 0.6 1,300 22.0 0.6
Montana 163 16.1 1.3 186 19.6 1.4
Nebraska 363 18.9 1.0 408 22.2 1.1
Nevada 403 20.4 1.0 368 22.2 1.2
New Hampshire 263 20.4 1.3 270 23.0 1.4
New Jersey 2,029 21.9 0.5 2,026 23.3 0.5
New Mexico 293 16.0 0.9 273 16.8 1.0
New York 3,970 19.5 0.3 4,295 22.4 0.3
North Carolina 1,517 18.4 0.5 1,518 20.1 0.5
North Dakota 144 18.7 1.6 145 19.7 1.7
Ohio 2,609 21.3 0.4 2,810 24.0 0.5
Oklahoma 718 19.5 0.7 739 20.9 0.8
Oregon 688 18.2 0.7 689 19.7 0.8
Pennsylvania 3,110 20.4 0.4 3,472 23.7 0.4
Rhode Island 237 19.0 1.2 278 23.3 1.4
South Carolina 825 19.9 0.7 818 21.7 0.8
South Dakota 176 19.9 1.5 185 21.8 1.6
Tennessee 1,219 20.6 0.6 1,083 19.6 0.6
Texas 3,296 18.3 0.3 3,293 19.9 0.3
Utah 241 14.5 0.9 243 16.1 1.0
Vermont 118 17.6 1.6 137 22.3 1.9
Virginia 1,359 19.6 0.5 1,316 20.9 0.6
Washington 1,025 17.5 0.5 995 18.6 0.6
West Virginia 510 23.4 1.0 520 24.6 1.1
Wisconsin 1,075 18.3 0.6 1,170 21.1 0.6
Wyoming 106 21.3 2.1 94 20.6 2.1

a Estimates are age adjusted to the 2000 standard population.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System - Mortality.

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