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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 1.13a
Cancer deaths per 100,000 population per year for colorectal cancer,a United States, 1999 and 2003
    2003 1999
Population group Number Rate Standard error Number Rate Standard error
Total 55,957 19.1 0.1 57,155 20.9 0.1
Age, not age adjusted 0-17 9 DSU DSU 5 DNA DNA
18-44 1,641 1.5 0.0 1,662 DNA DNA
45-64 12,746 18.6 0.2 12,024 19.9 0.2
65 and over 41,561 115.7 0.6 43,464 124.9 0.6
Race American Indian/Alaska Native 205 11.8 0.9 170 13.4 1.1
Asian/Pacific Islander 1,099 12.1 0.4 834 12.0 0.4
Black 6,943 26.4 0.3 6,777 28.4 0.3
White 47,710 18.6 0.1 49,374 20.4 0.1
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 2,471 13.4 0.3 2,031 14.3 0.3
Non-Hispanic, all races 53,371 19.4 0.1 54,976 21.2 0.1
Non-Hispanic, Black 6,881 26.8 0.3 6,709 28.7 0.4
Non-Hispanic, White 45,204 18.8 0.1 47,275 20.7 0.1
Gender Female 27,951 16.2 0.1 28,915 17.8 0.1
Male 28,006 22.9 0.1 28,240 25.3 0.2
Education, age 25-64 Less than high school 1,726 11.4 0.3 2,186 10.7 0.2
High school graduate 4,895 11.7 0.2 5,613 12.3 0.2
At least some college 4,441 6.6 0.1 4,816 7.2 0.1

a Estimates are age adjusted to the 2000 standard population, except where indicated.

DNA - Data have not been analyzed.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System - Mortality.

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