Import Administration
FTZ Staff Contact Information
last update: August 2003 
FOREIGN-TRADE ZONES BOARD ORDER NO. 107 Authorization for Certain Procedures in the Administration of Foreign-Trade Zones
Pursuant to its authority under the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18, 1934, as amended (19 USC 81a-81u), and the Foreign-Trade Zones Board Regulations (15 CFR Part 400), the Foreign- Trade Zones Board (the Board) adopts the following order: Whereas, Section 16 of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as amended (19 USC 81p), authorizes the Board to prescribe the form and manner for the keeping of zone accounts, and to require operational and financial reports from zones; and Whereas the Board's regulations, as amended by Board Order 86 (12-9-71), require that zone grantees maintain their accounts in accordance with generally accepted principles of accounting and in compliance with the requirements of any other public agencies having jurisdiction over zone activities (15 CFR PArt 400.1014), and the Board's Executive Secretary has been delegated authority to establish reporting requirements (Board Order 38, 2-16-55) (Present requirements are given in instructions from the Executive Secretary dated OCtober 25, 1967); and, Whereas, foreign-trade zones are under the supervision of the US Treasury Department and the Customs Service for purposes of security and protection of the revenue, and it is the intention of the Board that zones be administered consistent with the most current principles and procedures of the US Customs Service: Now Therefore, the Board hereby orders: The US Customs Service is encouraged, consistent with requirements for security and protection of the revenue, to employ the latest available Customs administrative procedures in carrying out its responsibilities in foreign-trade zones. This would include use of regulatory or external audit principles such as are currently being developed by Customs and new forms and records compatible with data processing systems. When appropriate, this might involve the testing of new procedures through pilot programs in selected zones. To the extent that authority of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board is required for the implementation of this policy, such authority is hereby granted. The Board's Executive Secretary shall be kept advised of changes in procedures employed by the Customs Service in the various zones and shall work with Customs officials in carrying out his responsibilities in this area. Signed at Washington, DC this 8th day of August, 1975. Rogers Morton Secretary of Commerce, Chairman and Executive Officer, Foreign-Trade Zones Board Attest: John J. DaPonte, Jr. Acting Executive Secretary