Explore Air

Acid Rain Lesson Plan

Figure 2: NADP Monitoring Equipment

NADP Monitoring Equipment
Picture of NADP Monitoring Equipment

Figure 2: NADP Monitoring Equipment
Diagram of NADP Monitoring Equipment

Standard "wet buckets" for collecting rain and snowfall. The sensor (a) is triggered through rain falling on its grid. This in turn operates the motor for the lid (b), which swings it off of the wet bucket (c), and onto the other side of the sampler (d), thus opening the wet bucket. This remains open until the storm event is over. The lid returns to its original position over the wet bucket (adapted from Lippincott et al. 1982).

updated on 04/24/2006  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/edu/Lessons/figure2.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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