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Libraries Collections


All Libraries & Collections Alphabetical listing of all libraries and collections.
Digital Collections Photographs, documents, and audio/video resources for students, teachers, classrooms, and the community.
Government Publications A depository for publications from the US government, Canada, the United Nations, the European Union and the State of Washington.
Map Collection Premier collection of maps in Washington state.
Media Center Largest academic audiovisual media collection in the NW.
Microform & Newspaper Collections Contains a large current international and domestic newspaper collection, with an emphasis on Slavic, South and Southeast Asian papers and a selection of American and European papers.
Special Collections The Libraries' major resource of rare and archival materials covering a broad range of topics, formats and periods.
Suzzallo Periodicals The largest periodicals collection on campus is focused on general interest, humanities and social sciences in many languages and from many geographical areas.
ResearchWorks at the University of Washington Scholarly publications and other files from departments and researchers at the University of Washington.

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Last modified: Tuesday April 07, 2009 (tawataoc)