Tabitha Graves' Publications


Graves, T.A., K.C. Kendall, J.A. Royle, Stetz, J. B., A.C. Macleod, Road density and percent mesic habitat as best descriptors of variation in grizzly bear abundance. (IN PREP)

Graves, T.A., S. Farley, M. Goldstein, and C.Servheen. 2007. Identification of functional corridors with movement characteristics of brown bears on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Landscape Ecology.

Graves, T.A., S. Farley, and C.Servheen. 2006. Frequency and distribution of highway crossings by Kenai Peninsula brown bears. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34: 800-808.

Graves, T.A. and J. Waller. 2006. Identification of causes of missed fixes in GPS collar on animals. Journal of Wildlife Management. 70: 844-851.

Graves, T.A. 2002. Spatial and temporal response of grizzly bears to recreational use on trails. Thesis. University of Montana. Missoula, MT.

Graves, T.A. and V. Ream, editors. 2001. Record of the snowmobile effects on wildlife monitoring protocols workshop April 10-12, 2001 Denver, Colorado. Rocky Mountain Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit. Missoula, MT.

Graves, T.A. 1995. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Programs: Profiles of Selected Universities. University of Wisconsin-Madison Transportation Department.