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Great Seal

Deputy Under Secretary of State
for Economic Affairs

Creation of this Position

Title: Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Name: Samuel C. Waugh
State of Residency: Nebraska
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Aug 25, 1955
Entry on Duty: Aug 26, 1955
Termination of Appointment: Oct 1, 1955
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate.

Title: Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Name: Herbert V. Prochnow
State of Residency: Illinois
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Oct 4, 1955
Entry on Duty: Nov 7, 1955
Termination of Appointment: Nov 15, 1956
Note: Commissioned during a recess of the Senate; recommissioned after confirmation on Jan 25, 1956.

Title: Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Name: C. Douglas Dillon
State of Residency: New Jersey
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 14, 1957
Entry on Duty: Mar 15, 1957
Termination of Appointment: Jun 30, 1958

Title: Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
Name: Nathaniel Samuels
State of Residency: New York
Non-career appointee
Appointment: Mar 28, 1969
Entry on Duty: Apr 1, 1969
Termination of Appointment: May 31, 1972

Creation of Position: The Department of State by administrative action created the position of Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs after Congress authorized three Deputy Under Secretary positions in the State Department Organization Act of Aug 5, 1955 (P.L. 84-250; 69 Stat. 536). The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs was the ranking officer in charge of foreign economic matters from Aug 1955 to Jun 1958, and again from Mar 1969 to May 1972. The position of Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Affairs was discontinued when an Act of Congress of Jul 13, 1972, established the permanent position of Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (P.L. 92-352; 86 Stat. 490).

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