U.S. Geological Survey

Descriptive and Grade-Tonnage Models of
Archean Low-Sulfide Gold-Quartz Veins and a
Revised Grade-Tonnage Model of Homestake Gold

By T.L. Klein and W.C. Day

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-0250

This publication presents the descriptive and grade and tonnage models of
Archean age low-sulfide gold-quartz veins and a revised grade-tonnage model
of Homestake type gold deposits. The models are a reclassification of deposits
formerly classified as Homestake deposits in "Mineral Deposit Models"
(USGS Bulletin 1693, Cox and Singer, editors, 1986). The regional and local
geologic attributes are described along with the geochemical and geophysical
characteristics and revised grade and tonnage models.

Originally published in 1994, this report is presented here in
Portable Document Format. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0™ is
required to view it. If you already have Acrobat Reader 3.0
installed on your computer, click here to access the text (350 kb).
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For more information about this report contact William D. Heran at wheran@usgs.gov