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Bulletin 1930

Gold-Bearing Skarns

By Ted G. Theodore, Greta J. Orris, Jane M. Hammarstrom, and James D. Bliss

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Bulletin 1930
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This publication presents the descriptive and grade-tonnage models for gold-bearing skarn-type deposits. Two subtypes, gold-skarns and byproduct gold-skarns are distinguished on the basis of gold, silver, and base-metal grades. The regional geologic setting along with detailed local geologic characteristics, grade-tonnage data, and extensive reference
and bibliography sections are given.

Originally published in 1991, this report is presented here in
Portable Document Format. The volume consists of 26 separate files and may be navigated using links (highlighted in red) within the table of contents.

Version 1.0

Posted March 1999

  • Contents PDF (27 kB)
  • The volume consists of 26 separate files and may be navigated using links (highlighted in red) within the table of contents.

Suggested citation:

Theodore, T.G., Orris, G.J., Hammarstrom, J.M., and Bliss, J.D., 1991, Gold-bearing skarns: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1930.







General deposit definition

Associated deposits

Tectonostratigraphic setting and paleodepths

Age range

Host and associated rocks

Ore minerals

Gangue mineralogy

Wallrock alteration

Structural setting

Dimensions of ore in typical deposits

Dimensions of alteration or distinctive haloes

Effect of weathering

Effect of metamorphism

Geochemical signatures

Isotopic signatures

Fluid inclusions

Geophysical signatures

Ore controls/exploration guides

Grades and tonnages of gold-bearing skarns

References Cited

Bibliography of additional gold-bearing skarn references


For more information about this report contact
William D. Heran at  
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