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Adams, Jean V., Ray L. Argyle, Guy W. Fleischer, Gary L. Curtis, and Richard G. Stickel. 2006. Improving the design of acoustic and midwater trawl surveys through stratification, with an application to Lake Michigan prey fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26(3): 612-621.
Contribution # 1361 [Abstract]

Bergstedt, Roger A. and Michael B. Twohey. 2006. Research to support sterile-male-release and other genetic alteration techniques for sea lamprey control. Sea Lamprey Research Program. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor , MI. 38 pp.
Contribution # 1342B [Abstract] [PDF 196 KB]

Bridgeman, Thomas B., Don W. Schloesser, and Ann E. Krause. 2006. Recruitment of Hexagenia mayfly nymphs in western Lake Erie linked to environmental variability. Ecological Applications 16(2): 601-611.
Contribution # 1352 [Abstract]

Bunnell, David B., Charles P. Madenjian, and Randall M. Claramunt. 2006. Long-term changes of the Lake Michigan fish community following the reduction of exotic alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(11): 2434-2446.
Contribution # 1375 [Abstract]

Bunnell, David B., Charles P. Madenjian, and Thomas E. Croley II. 2006. Long-term trends of bloater (Coregonus hoyi) recruitment in Lake Michigan: evidence for the effect of sex ratio. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(4): 832-844.
Contribution # 1347 [Abstract]

Bunnell, David B., R. Scott Hale, Michael J. Vanni, and Roy A. Stein. 2006. Predicting crappie recruitment in Ohio reservoirs with spawning stock size, larval density, and chlorophyll concentrations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26(1): 1-12.
Contribution # 1359 [Abstract]

Byappanahalli, Muruleedhara N., Richard L. Whitman, Dawn A. Shively, W. T. Evert Ting, Charles C. Tseng, and Meredith B. Nevers. 2006. Seasonal persistence and population characteristics of Escherichia coli and enterococci in deep backshore sand of two freshwater beaches. Journal of Water and Health 4 (3): 313-320.
Contribution # 1318 [Abstract]

Byappanahalli, Muruleedhara., Richard L. Whitman, Dawn A. Shively, Michael J. Sadowsky, and Satoshi Ishii. 2006. Population structure, persistence, and seasonality of autochthonous Escherichia coliin temperate, coastal forest soil from a Great Lakes watershed. Environmental Microbiology 8 (3): 504-513.
Contribution # 1338 [Abstract]

Carl, Leon M. and Fiona McGuiness. 2006. Lake whitefish and lake herring population structure and niche in ten south-central Ontario lakes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 75(3): 315-323.
Contribution # 1373 [Abstract]

Dawson, Heather A, Ulrich G. Reinhardt, and Jacqueline F. Savino. 2006. Use of electric and bubble barriers to limit the movement of Eurasian ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus). Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(1): 40-49.
Contribution # 1333 [Abstract]

Fine, Jared M., Sean P. Sisler, Lance A. Vrieze, William D. Swink, and Peter W. Sorensen. 2006. A practical method for obtaining useful quantities of pheromones from sea lamprey and other fishes for identification and control. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(4): 832-838.
Contribution # 1431 [Abstract]

French, John R.P. III, S. Jerrine Nichols, Jaquelyn M. Craig, Jeffrey D. Allen, and M. Glen Black. 2006. In situ growth of juvenile zebra mussels in a regulated stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21 (1): 25-30.
Contribution # 1343 [Abstract]

Haack, Sheridan K., Brian P. Neff, Donald O. Rosenberry, Jacqueline F. Savino, and Scott C. Lundstrom . 2006. An evaluation of effects of groundwater exchange on nearshore habitats and water quality of western Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(Supplement 1): 45-63.
Contribution # 1322 [Abstract]

Halfman, John D., Dawn E. Dittman, Randall W. Owens, and Margaret D. Etherington. 2006. Storm-induced redistribution of deepwater sediments in Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(2): 348-360.
Contribution # 1314 [Abstract]

Hickey, J. P., S. A. Batterman, and S. M. Chernyak 2006. Trends of chlorinated organic contaminants in Great Lakes trout and walleye from 1970-1998. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 50(1): 97-110.
Contribution # 1330 [Abstract]

Holbrook, Beth V., Thomas R. Hrabik, Donn K. Branstrator, Dan L. Yule, and Jason D. Stockwell. Hydroacoustic estimation of zooplankton biomass at two shoal complexes in the Apostle Islands region of Lake Superior . Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(4): 680-696.
Contribution # 1410 [Abstract]

Hudon, Christiane, Douglas Wilcox, and Joel Ingram. 2006. Modeling wetland plant community response to assess water-level regulation scenarios in the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River basin. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 113(1-3): 303-328.
Contribution # 1271 [Abstract]

Ishii, Satoshi, Tao Yan, Dawn A. Shively, Muruleedhara N. Byappanahalli, Richard L. Whitman, and Michael J. Sadowsky. 2006. Cladophora (Chlorophyta) spp. harbor human bacterial pathogens in nearshore water of Lake Michigan. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72(7): 4545-4553.
Contribution # 1370 [Abstract]

Janssen, John, David J. Jude, Thomas A. Edsall, Robert W. Paddock, Nigel Wattrus, Mike Toneys, and Pat McKee. 2006. Evidence of lake trout reproduction at Lake Michigan's Mid-Lake Reef Complex. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(4): 749-763.
Contribution # 1411 [Abstract]

Johnson, J.H., S. R. LaPan, R. M. Klindt, and A. Schiavone 2006. Lake sturgeon spawning on artificial habitat in the St. Lawrence River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22(6): 465-470.
Contribution # 1368 [Abstract]

Johnson, James H., Robert M. Ross, James E. McKenna, and Graham E. Lewis. 2006. Estimating the size of fish consumed by double-crested cormorants: Considerations for better understanding cormorant-fish interactions. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(1): 91-101.
Contribution # 1345 [Abstract]

Jones, Michael L., Brain J. Shuter, Yingming Zhao, and Jason D. Stockwell. 2006. Forecasting effects of climate change on Great Lakes fisheries: models that link habitat supply to population dynamics can help. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(2): 457-468.
Contribution # 1363 [Abstract]

Liu, Lubo, Mantha S. Phanikumar, Stephanie L. Molloy, Richard L. Whitman, Dawn A. Shively, Meredith B. Nevers, David J. Schwab, and Joan B. Rose. 2006. Modeling the transport and inactivation of E. coli and enterococci in the near-shore region of Lake Michigan. Environmental Science and Technology 40(16): 5022-5028.
Contribution # 1378 [Abstract]

Madenjian, Charles P., Daniel V. O'Connor, Steven A. Pothoven, Philip J. Schneeberger, Richard R. Rediske, James P. O'Keefe, Roger A. Bergstedt, Ray L. Argyle, and Stephen B. Brandt 2006. Evaluation of a lake whitefish bioenergetics model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135(1): 61-75.
Contribution # 1339 [Abstract] [PDF 91 KB]

Madenjian, Charles P., Jeffrey D. Holuszko, and Timothy J. Desorcie. 2006. Spring-summer diet of lake trout on Six Fathom Bank and Yankee Reef in Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(2): 200-208.
Contribution # 1357 [Abstract]

Madenjian, Charles P., Steven A. Pothoven, John M. Dettmers, and Jeffrey D. Holuszko. 2006. Changes in seasonal energy dynamics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in Lake Michigan after invasion of dreissenid mussels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 63(4): 891-902.
Contribution # 1356 [Abstract]

McKenna, James E. Jr., Richard P. McDonald, Chris Castiglione, Sandy S. Morrison, Kurt P. Kowalski, and Dora R. Passino-Reader. 2006. A broadscale fish-habitat model development process: Genesee Basin, New York. Pages 533-554 in Hughes, Robert M., Lizhu Wang, and Paul W. Seelbach, eds. Landscape Influences on Stream Habitats and Biological Assemblages. American Fisheries Society Symposium 48. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. 698 pp.
Contribution # 1308 [Abstract]

Neff, Brian P., Sheridan K. Haack, Donald O. Rosenberry, Jacqueline F. Savino, and Scott C. Lundstrom. 2006. Coastal groundwater/surface-water interactions: a Great Lakes case study. Pages 289-295 in Singh, V. P. and Y. J. Xu, eds. Coastal Hydrology and Processes. Water Resources Publications, LLC, Highlands Ranch, CO.
Contribution # 1369 [Abstract]

Pavlovic, Noel B., Ralph Grundel, and William Sluis. 2006. Groundlayer vegetation gradients across oak woodland canopy gaps. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 133(2): 225-239.
Contribution # 1334 [Abstract]

Pothoven, Steven A., Thomas F. Nalepa, Charles P. Madenjian, Richard R. Rediske, Philip J. Schneeberger, and Ji X. He. 2006. Energy density of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis in Lakes Huron and Michigan. Environmental Biology of Fishes 76(2-4): 151-158.
Contribution # 1354 [Abstract]

Roseman, Edward F., William W. Taylor, Daniel B. Hayes, Andrew L. Jones, and James T. Francis. 2006. Predation on walleye eggs by fish on reefs in western Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(3): 415-423.
Contribution # 1365 [Abstract]

Sanford, W. E., J. S. Caine, D. A. Wilcox, H. C. McWreath, and J. R. Nicholas. 2006. Research opportunities in interdisciplinary ground-water science in the U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1293. 21 pp.
Contribution # 1377 (OP) [Abstract]

Schloesser, Don W., Janice L. Metcalfe-Smith, William P. Longton Gary D. Kovalak, and Rick D. Smithee. 2006. Extirpation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) following the invasion of dreissenid mussels in an interconnecting river of the Laurentian Great Lakes. American Midland Naturalist 155(2 ): 307-320.
Contribution # 1351 [Abstract]

Schloesser, Don W., Richard G. Stickel, and Thomas B. Bridgeman. 2006. Potential oxygen demand of sediments from Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31(Supplement 2): 272-283.
Contribution # 1297 [Abstract]

Smith, Wendy, Meredith Nevers, and Richard Whitman. 2006. Advances in recreational water quality monitoring at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Park Science 24(1): 19-23.
Contribution # 1379 [Abstract] [PDF 3.67 MB]

Stapanian, Martin A., Charles P. Madenjian, and Larry D. Witzel. 2006. Evidence that sea lamprey control led to recovery of the burbot population in Lake Erie. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135(4): 1033-1043.
Contribution # 1358 [Abstract]

Steen, Paul J., Dora R. Passino-Reader, and Michael J. Wiley. 2006. Modeling brook trout presence and absence from landscape variables using four different analytical methods. Pages 513-531 in Hughes, Robert M., Lizhu Wang, and Paul W. Seelbach, eds. Landscape Influences on Stream Habitats and Biological Assemblages. American Fisheries Society Symposium 48. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. 698 pp.
Contribution # 1309 [Abstract]

Stockwell, Jason D., Daniel L. Yule, Owen T. Gorman, Edmund J. Isaac, and Seth A. Moore. 2006. Evaluation of bottom trawls as compared to acoustics to assess adult lake herring (Coregonus artedi) abundance in Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(2): 280-292.
Contribution # 1355 [Abstract]

Stone, Dennis M. and Owen T. Gorman 2006. Ontogenesis of endangered humpback chub (Gila cypha) in the Little Colorado River, Arizona. American Midland Naturalist 155(1): 123-135.
Contribution # 1362 [Abstract]

Sweet, Leonard I., Dora R. Passino-Reader, Peter G. Meier, and Geneva M. Omann. 2006. Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls, hexachlorocyclohexanes, and mercury on human neutrophil apoptosis, actin cytoskelton, and oxidative state. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 22(2): 179-188.
Contribution # 1366 [Abstract]

Tyson, Jeffrey T., Timothy B. Johnson, Carey T. Knight, and Michael T. Bur. 2006. Intercalibration of research survey vessels on Lake Erie. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26(3): 559-570.
Contribution # 1376 [Abstract]

Warner, David, Lars G. Rudstam, Hugues Benoit, Edward L. Mills, and Ora Johannsson. 2006. Changes in seasonal nearshore zooplankton abundance patterns in Lake Ontario following establishment of the exotic predator Cercopagis pengoi. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(3): 531-542.
Contribution # 1371 [Abstract]

Whitman, Richard L., Meredith B. Nevers, and Muruleedhara Byappanahalli. 2006. Examination of the watershed-wide distribution of Escherichia coli along southern Lake Michigan: an integrated approach. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72(11): 7301-7310.
Contribution # 1395 [Abstract]

Wilcox, Douglas A., Michael J. Sweat, Martha L. Carlson, and Kurt P. Kowalski. 2006. A water-budget approach to restoring a sedge fen affected by diking and ditching. Journal of Hydrology 320(3-4): 501-517.
Contribution # 1317 [Abstract]

Yule, Daniel L. , Jason D. Stockwell, Gary A. Cholwek, Lori M. Evrard, Steven Schram, Michael Seider, and Matthew Symbal. 2006. Evaluation of methods to estimate lake herring spawner abundance in Lake Superior. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135(3): 680-694.
Contribution # 1350 [Abstract] [PDF 374 KB]


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