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Biographies of Private-Life Members

The Board, by statute, consists of nine members, including the Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue. Following are profiles of the private-life members, who are appointed by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of their professional experience and expertise:

Paul Cherecwich, Jr., Chairman
Retired Corporate Tax Counsel

Paul Cherecwich, Jr. is presently retired, having had a successful career as a tax attorney employed both in the business world and practitioner world. Employed by three Fortune 500 corporations, he retired in 2000 from Cordant Technologies, Inc. as Vice President of Tax and Tax Counsel. He subsequently joined the law firm of Miller & Chevalier, Chartered as “Of Counsel”, from where he retired at the end of 2004. During his career he participated in several professional groups. As a result of his contributions, he was asked to serve leadership roles on several trade association tax committees. In addition, he was selected by his peers to be the 1997-1998 International President of The Tax Executives Institute (TEI), the preeminent association of corporate tax executives in North America. Mr. Cherecwich has served on the boards of several charitable organizations. He has also served on several government advisory groups, including the Massachusetts Governor’s Management Task Force, the United States Trade Representative’s Industry Advisory Committee on Customs, and the IRS Advisory Council, where he was selected to be the 2002 Chair. Mr. Cherecwich earned a B.E.E. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, an M.B.A. from Northeastern University, a J.D. (cum laude) from Suffolk University Law School, and an LL.M. (taxation) from Boston University School of Law.


E. Edwin Eck
Dean, University of Montana School of Law

Edwin Eck has served as dean of the University of Montana School of Law since 1995 and has been a member of its faculty since 1981. During his tenure as an administrator, the School has focused on practice skills as well as legal theory. The School’s required clinical program expanded to 17 clinics, certificate programs in alternative dispute resolution and natural resources were added, and a joint JD/MBA program was undertaken. Additionally, the School substantially increased its continuing legal education programs with sessions held at rural Montana venues. Prior to serving as dean, Mr. Eck taught estate and gift taxation. He also practiced law and served the estate planning and estate administration needs of owners of small businesses, including farmers and ranchers. Mr. Eck has served as a law clerk to U.S. District Court Judge James F. Battin and was an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Montana. Mr. Eck earned a B.A. from Carleton College (magna cum laude), a J.D. from the University of Montana School of Law, and an LL.M. (in taxation) from Georgetown University Law Center.  He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. 


Robert M. Tobias
Director of Public Sector Executive Education,
American University

Robert M. Tobias is a professor, Director of Public Sector Executive Education, and Director of the Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation at American University in Washington, D.C. Mr. Tobias left the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) in 1999 after 31 years. He served as General Counsel from 1970 to 1983, and as National President from 1983 to 1999. At NTEU, and as a member of the President’s National Partnership Council, Mr. Tobias focused on establishing cooperative/collaborative labor-management relationships in the federal government. In 1996, President Clinton appointed him to the National Commission on Restructuring the IRS. Mr. Tobias also was a member of the IRS Executive Committee. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where he received a Master’s degree in Business Administration, and from The George Washington University, where he received his law degree. He chairs the Oversight Board’s Operations Committee.


Raymond T. Wagner, Jr.
Legal & Legislative Vice-President,
Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Raymond T. Wagner, Jr. is Legal & Legislative Vice-President for Enterprise Rent-A-Car, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. Previously, he served in the cabinet of Illinois Governor Jim Edgar as the Illinois Director of Revenue until 1995. Prior to that, he was Director of the Missouri Department of Revenue under then-Governor John Ashcroft. Since 1993, he has been an Adjunct Professor of Law at Washington University School of Law. He served as Law Clerk for then-Chief Justice Andrew Jackson Higgins of the Missouri Supreme Court. He received his Master of Business Administration and undergraduate degrees from St. Louis University, and his law degree from University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law. He also holds a Master of Laws-Taxation degree from Washington University School of Law. He chairs the Oversight Board’s Operations Support Committee.


Deborah L. Wince-Smith
Council on Competitiveness

Deborah L. Wince-Smith is president of the Council on Competitiveness–a premiere group of CEOs, university presidents and labor leaders committed to driving U.S. competitiveness. She is an internationally known expert, author, and speaker on global competitiveness, economic policy, science and technology, and economic development. She has more than 20 years of experience as a senior government official, including as Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy in the Department of Commerce during the first Bush administration. She serves on or chairs four Cabinet-level advisory groups, including a task force on nuclear energy for the Secretary of Energy. Ms. Wince-Smith is active in the governance of various national scientific labs, including the Argonne National Laboratory, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. Ms. Wince-Smith earned a degree in classical archaeology and graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Vassar College. She earned her Master’s degree from King’s College, Cambridge University. In December 2006, she received an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree from Michigan State University.


Last Updated: September 16, 2008

IRS Oversight Board 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220
Phone: 202-622-2581 • Fax: 202-622-7944