
The Printing, Paper, and Graphics industry has been renamed to Publishing. This change has been made to more clearly represent the industry. The Publishing industry contains the same information that was previous found in the Printing, Paper, and Graphics industry.

Hightlighted Trade Events

The Frankfurt Book Fair is the world's largest trade show for the publishing industry. October 15 - 19, 2008, Frankfurt, Germany.

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Detailed Event Information For Outreach: Rotary Club of Alexandria Metropolitan Detailed Event Information For Outreach: Rotary Club of Alexandria Metropolitan
Outreach: Rotary Club of Alexandria Metropolitan -- Apparel, Artwork, Computers/Peripherals, Food Processing/Packaging Eq.
Location/Date: Alexandria, Egypt 09/30/2009 - 09/30/2009
Event Summary:
Commercial Specialist Heba Abdel-Aziz will be visiting the Rotary Club of Alexandria Metropolitan and meet with its members who have a majority of businessmen. She will be the speaker of the day and give them a presentation on CS programs. After that she will open a discussion with the members to assist them in doing future business with the USA.

Heba Abdel-Aziz, Alexandria
Commercial Specialist
Phone: +20 (3) 486-5607