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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 247
Hospitalizations for perforated appendix per 1,000 hospitalizations with appendicitis in Indian Health Service and Tribal hospitals, 2004
Population group Rate SE
Total Age adjusteda 358.4 0.0
Unadjusted 308.2 1.5
Age 0-17 304.5 2.4
18-44 268.7 2.1
45-64 415.9 4.6
65 and over 514.3 8.4
Gender Male 306.7 2.0
Female 310.2 2.2

a The total estimates are age adjusted using the total U.S. population for 2000 as the standard population.

b Service population does not include the Portland and California regions.

Key: AI/AN: Ameirican Indian or Alaskan Native; SE: standard error.

Source: Indian Health Service.

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