
Reference Information Paper 82

A Finding Aid to Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: American Military Casualties and Burials

Table of Contents

Index to Publication

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Adjutant General's Office, 1917- , Records of the (RG 407) - 7, 18, 20, 30-34, 47
African Americans - 27
  • Allied - 20, 28
  • British - 20
  • flight plans - 19
  • German accounts of losses - 28
  • loss of - 5, 10, 18-20, 28
  • survivors of crashes of - 15-16, 20, 31-33
  • weaponry on - 19
    Aircraft carriers - 9
  • accidents involving - 9
  • British - 28
  • casualty lists of - 10
  • dead - 5, 9, 26, 38
  • fate of those missing in action - 28, 31
  • missing in action - 5, 18-20, 31
  • Russian - 28
  • survivors of crashes - 15-16, 20, 31-33
  • wounded - 21
    Alaska - 21
    Allied Military Governments (films created by) - 36
    American Battle Monuments Commission, Records of the (RG 117) - 12, 23, 47
    American Indians - 10
    American Red Cross - 6
    Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion, 1st - 26
    Arlington National Cemetery - 23, 41
    Armed Guard units aboard U.S. merchant vessels - 9
    Army Air Forces Records of the (RG 18) - 35
    Army Commands, Records of US (RG 338) - 29-30
    Army, Fifth - 29
    Army Ground Forces, Records of Headquarters (RG 337) - 28-29
    Army-Navy POW Board - 11
    "Army-Navy Screen Magazine" 37
    Army personnel lost at sea - 17
    Army Service Forces - 6, 20
    Army training films - 36-37
    Army Transportation Service - 6
    Army, US
  • Casualty Branch - 2, 4-5, 7-8
  • Medical Corps - 41
  • Medical Department - 20, 22, 30
  • See also Army Air Forces, Graves Registration Service
    Athens, Greece - 29
    Atrocities, deaths from enemy - 11


    Battle of the Atlantic - 15-16
    Battle of the Bulge - 38
    Battles, lists of casualties for particular - 9, 10, 24
    Belgium - 41, 42
    Benevolence (hospital ship), 37
    Bonin - 10
    Bougainville - 26
    Burial cards - 6-7
    Burial lists
  • Army - 16, 17
  • comprehensive - 22
  • Navy - 11, 14
  • by theater - 16, 31
    Burial services
  • chaplains officiating at - 17, 28, 36, 37
  • correspondence relating to - 16, 31, 33
  • details about - 4, 24
  • photographs of - 41, 42
  • Allied - 29, 47
  • of American prisoners of war - 7, 11
  • Army personnel - 16-17, 29
  • by Axis personnel - 7
  • of body fragments - 7
  • correspondence relating to - 13-14, 16
  • descriptions of operations - 14-15, 30
  • of enemies - 29
  • films of - 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
  • Marine Corps - 24, 25, 26
  • mass - 7
  • photographs of - 40, 41
  • records of - 17, 22, 29
  • reinterments - 17, 24, 25, 29
  • site selections for - 37
    Burma - 36
    Burn victims - 14


    Cablegrams - 3
    Casualties in action (correspondence relating to) - 13-14
    Casualty lists - 33
  • by battle or operation - 9, 10
  • by geographic region - 10
  • by group or type of service - 10
  • naval personnel - 9-11, 27, 34
  • by ship - 9
  • by state - 11, 27, 34
    Casualty reports - 2-4, 24
    Casualty statistics - 2, 24, 44-46, 47
  • construction of - 22-23
  • correspondence relating to - 16, 29
  • films of - 36, 37
  • grave plot charts for - 18
  • lists of burials in overseas - 11, 14, 16, 22, 25, 29
  • maintenance contracts for - 23
  • management of by Graves Registration Service - 6, 17, 37
  • overseas - 2, 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 22-23, 24, 25, 29, 37, 41, 47
  • photographs of - 29, 40, 41, 42
  • for POWs - 17
  • records identifying - 6
  • religious services at - 37
  • site selection - 37
    Change in status notifications - 7
    Change in status reports - 7, 10-11
    Chaplains - 4, 17, 28, 37
  • films of - 36, 37
  • funerals by - 17, 28
  • hospital visits by - 28
  • lists of casualties - 10
    Chaplains, Records of the Office of the Chief of (RG 247) - 4, 6, 28
    Chicago, Illinois - 27
    China-Burma-India Theater of Operations - 21
    Civilian deaths
  • Americans overseas - 7
  • costs of burials of - 7
  • while on Navy missions - 6
    Coast Guard, Records of the US (RG 26) - 6-7, 9, 39
  • and Bumed - 13
  • burial cards from the - 6-7
  • films of - 39
  • rescue and recovery operations - 39
    Congressional correspondence - 12, 17
    Connolley, Joseph W. (transport ship) - 39
    Cremations - 11


  • discharge status of - 11
  • disposition of remains - 2, 11, 14, 16, 17-18, 31
  • films of - 36, 37, 38-39
  • identification of remains of the - 2, 7, 14, 16-17, 18, 23, 31-32, 37
  • lists of - 33
  • photographs of - 40, 41, 42
  • racial information on - 11
  • records identifying remains of - 6
  • religious information on the - 11, 17, 18
  • return of remains of the - 7
    Death certificates - 8, 11
  • African Americans - 27
  • American POWs - 11, 12, 30
  • Army - 27, 44, 45, 46
  • cause of - 4, 11, 24, 25
  • civilian - 6, 7
  • correspondence relating to - 12, 13-14, 16, 31, 33
  • drowning - 10
  • location of - 4, 9, 17, 31, 47
  • Marine Corps - 11, 24, 25, 26, 42, 46
  • and military casualty reporting system - 2
  • Navy - 6, 9-12, 13, 14, 26, 36, 46
  • notification of government agencies - 7
  • notification of next of kin - 2-3, 17
  • notification of War Department offices - 7
  • of officers - 27
  • of POWs - 30
  • by state - 11, 34
  • Army - 38
  • Marine Corps - 26
  • military - 42
    Dieppe beachhead - 38
    Disease problems - 15
    Documat - 5, 7
    Dramatizations - 36, 37
    Duplimat - 5, 7


    Emergency addressees
  • letters of condolence to - 4
  • notification of - 2-3
    Employees Compensation Commission - 6
    Enemy military personnel (interrogations of) - 32
    England - 39, 42
    European theater of Operations
  • Army wounded and dead - 45
  • battle casualties - 21, 27, 39, 45
  • casualty notification forms from the - 4
  • medical activities - 21, 22
  • naval medicine in the - 14-15, 39
    Evacuation hospitals - 21
    Evacuation of casualties - 12, 14, 15, 21, 24, 36, 38-39, 42, 44
  • by ox cart - 35
  • by plane - 14, 35, 39
  • by ship - 12, 14, 37, 39
  • by train - 39
    Eyewitness narratives - 15, 29, 31-32, 33


    Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7-8
    Filipinos, enlisted (lists of casualties) - 10
    Fleet Marine Force - 25-26
    Foreign records seized by US, - 27-28, 38
    France - 42
    Franklin, U.S.S. - 27
  • battlefield - 37
  • photographs of - 41, 42


    Genealogical research - 1, 13, 16, 21, 35
    General Accounting Office - 7
    German antiaircraft units - 27-28
    German films - 38
    German government
  • records seized - 27-28
  • reports of unidentified dead - 5
    German information sources - 20
    "German Weekly Newsreel" - 38
    Germany - 37
  • correspondence relating to - 14
  • location of - 4, 6, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29
  • markers for - 6, 14, 17, 24
  • photographs of - 41, 42
  • purchase of site - 17
    Graves registration Service (GRS) - 16-17, 29-30
  • cemetery management - 6, 17
  • films of operations - 37
  • identification of buried military personnel - 7
  • interservice responsibilities - 2, 6-7
  • photographs of - 41, 42
    Guam (lists of native casualties) - 10


    Hawaii - 22, 26, 42
    Headstones - 6, 17, 18, 24
    Historical Unit, Medical Service ("Humeds") - 30
    Honda Knot (transport ship) - 39
    Honolulu - 42
    Hospital ships - 1, 37, 41
    Hospitalized military personnel - 20
  • messages of cheer for - 5
  • notices of release of - 4
  • progress reports on - 4-5
  • Army - 20
  • evacuation - 21
  • field unit - 1, 35, 41, 42
  • films of - 35
  • general - 4
  • messages of cheer to - 5
  • Navy - 15, 39
  • notices of release from - 4
  • personnel - 4
  • photographs of - 39, 41, 42
  • progress reports from - 4-5
  • shipboard - 1, 37, 41
  • station - 4
    Houston, U.S.S. - 9
    "Humeds," 30


    Identification of remains - 2, 7, 23, 31-32, 37
  • of airmen - 18
  • of Army personnel - 16-17
  • of Marine Corps personnel - 14
  • and military casualty reporting system - 2
  • of Navy personnel - 11, 14
  • responsibility for - 2
    Indianapolis, U.S.S - 9, 15-16
    Insurance (Navy policy on) - 11
    Insurance companies - 8
    Italian films - 38
    Italy - 29, 42


    Japanese-American soldiers - 38
    Japanese films - 38


    Korean war - 20, 31, 40, 43
    Kwajalein - 36


    Letters of commendation, Marine Corps - 26
    Letter of condolence - 4-5, 14
    LST-230 - 15
    Luftgaukommandos (Germany Air Defense Commands) - 27-28
    Luxembourg - 42
    Luzon, Philippine Islands - 15-16, 26


    Malmedy, Belgium - 41
    Maps - 26, 29
    Marianas Islands - 26
    Marine Air Corps station, Ewa, Hawaii - 26
    Marine Aircraft Wing
  • 1st - 26
  • 2nd - 26
    Marine Corps, Records of the US (RG 127) - 26, 42-43
  • and Bumed - 13
  • burial cards - 6-7
  • casualty data by state - 11
  • deaths - 14, 24, 25, 46
  • films - 36
  • memorials - 24
  • personnel - 9
  • photographs - 42- 43
  • wounded - 14, 46
    Marine Division
  • 2nd - 25-26
    Marshall Islands - 14, 15, 36
    Medical depots - 20
    Medical installations - 20
    Medical policies, Army - 20, 21
    Medical research - 20
    Medical support services (Logistics of) - 15
    Medical treatment - 20-21
  • of naval personnel - 12, 14-15
  • surgery - 20
    Medical troop units - 20, 21, 22, 25, 30
    Medical units - 1, 41
  • Army field units - 20
  • casualty lists of - 10
  • naval - 15
    Medicine and Surgery, Records of the Bureau of (RG 52), 12-16, 39
    Mediterranean Theater of Operations
  • casualties - 27, 46
  • medical activities - 21
    Memorial services - 39
  • construction of - 22-23
  • correspondence relating to - 14, 23
  • maintenance of - 22-23
  • photographs of - 42
  • proposed - 24
    Merchant vessels - 9
    Messages of cheer - 5
    Middle East Theater of Operations - 21
    Military campaigns
  • casualties for particular - 21
  • medical operations in particular - 14-15
    Military casualty reporting system - 2, 4
    Military service information - 11, 17, 18
    Missing Air Crew Reports (MARs) - 5, 18-20, 28, 32-33
    Missing in action
  • African Americans - 27
  • airmen - 5, 18-20, 31
  • Army - 45, 46, 47
  • correspondence regarding - 24, 31, 33
  • follow-up letters relating to - 5
  • listed by state - 34
  • lists of - 22, 27, 33, 34
  • Marine Corps - 24, 26
  • and military casualty reporting system - 2, 3
  • Missing Air Crew Reports (MACRs) - 5, 18-20, 28, 32-33
  • naval - 10, 27
  • notification of government agencies - 5, 7
  • notification of next of kin - 5, 47
  • notification of War Department offices - 5, 7
  • search for - 2, 31-32
    Missing Persons Act - 7
    See also Missing Air Crew Reports (MACRs)
    Monuments - 17, 24
    Muster rolls (Marine Corps) - 25


    National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized (RG 242) - 27-28, 38
    National Cemetery of the Pacific - 22
    Naval Medical Department - 14-15
    Naval medicine, history of - 14-15
    Navy Personnel, Records of the Bureau of (RG 24) - 9-12, 34
    Naval ships. See Ships, naval.
    Naval shore units - 15
    Navigation, Bureau of - 9, 12
    Navy, Secretary of the - 6
    Navy, 1789-1947, General Records of the Department of the (RG 80)- 2, 6-7, 9-16, 39-40
  • aviation personnel - 9
  • burial cards - 6-7
  • casualty data by state - 11
  • combat films of the - 36
  • nurses - 9
  • payroll lists - 10
  • training films - 36
    Navy Prisoner of War Board - 11
    New Britain - 26
    New York City - 38, 39, 42
    News releases - 27, 28-29
    Newsreels - 35, 37, 38
  • German - 38
  • Italian - 38
  • Japanese - 38
    Next of Kin
  • identification of - 17, 19, 34
  • letters of condolence to - 4
  • and military casualty reporting system - 2
  • notification of - 2-4, 5, 17, 36
  • responsibility for burial decisions - 6-7, 37
  • surveys of regarding return of war dead - 6-7
  • visits to - 24
    Nonbattle casualties - 3
    Normandy invasion (naval medicine in the) - 15, 39
    North African Theater of Operations
  • casualty reporting system - 3
  • Fifth Army in - 29
  • naval medicine in the - 15
    Notification of next of kin
  • and military casualty reporting system - 2
  • of missing personnel - 5
  • pre-invasion - 2-3
  • response time - 4
    Notification telegrams
  • missing in action - 5, 7
  • missing personnel - 5, 7
    Notification telegrams, Army
  • pre-invasion - 2-3
  • response time - 4
    Nurses, Navy - 9, 10


    Ocean transportation
  • of naval dead - 6
  • of wounded - 12
    Office of War Information, Records of the (RG 208)- 27, 37-38


    Pacific Theater of Operations
  • battle casualties - 21, 27, 46
  • Coast Guard rescue and recovery operations - 39
  • Marine Corps activities - 42-43
  • medical activities in the - 21
  • memorial to dead - 22
  • naval medicine in the - 14-15
  • photographs from - 39, 44
    Pacific War Memorial - 22
    Paramount News films - 38-39
    Pearl Harbor
  • casualty lists - 10
  • medical data from - 14
    Personal effects
  • correspondence on - 12
  • Navy policy on disposition of - 11
    Philippine Islands - 10, 15-16, 26, 35, 42
    Photographs - 15, 22, 29, 39-43
    Postal card progress reports - 4-5
    POW camps
  • conditions in - 9
  • dental charts of Americans in - 32
  • German - 4, 11
  • Japanese - 8, 9, 11, 32
  • releases of Americans from - 4, 11
  • American military - 4, 11, 30, 38, 45, 46
  • Army - 45, 46
  • burials of - 7, 11
  • death certificates for - 11
  • deaths of - 11, 12, 38, 44, 45
  • deaths of, due to exposure - 11
  • deaths of, due to sinking of Japanese transports - 30
  • dental charts for - 32
  • in German camps - 4, 11
  • graves of - 37
  • in Japanese camps - 8, 9, 11, 32
  • Navy - 11
  • repatriated - 31, 45
  • repatriation of sick and wounded - 11
    Prisoner of War Information Division - 30
    Provost Marshal General, Records of the Office of the (RG 389) - 30
    PT-109 - 15
    Progress reports on hospitalized personnel - 4-5
    Public information films - 35
    Publicity films - 35
    Punchbowl National Cemetery - 22
    Punchcard system of reporting - 3, 4


    Quartermaster General, Records of the Office of the (RG 92) - 6, 7, 11, 16-20, 37, 41


  • messages of cheer - 5
    Radiograms - 3
  • correspondence relating to - 13-14, 16-17, 31-32
  • not recovered - 17, 26, 47
  • recovery of - 16-17, 29, 31, 47
  • unidentified - 14, 17, 20, 24, 31, 47
    Rescue operations - 15-16, 39
    Roosevelt, Nicholas - 27
    "Roster of Burials in US Military Cemeteries Overseas" - 11
    Ryukyu Islands - 14


    Saipan - 10
    San Francisco - 39, 42
    Sanitary reports
  • Army - 21
  • Navy - 15
    Sanitation - 21
    Services of Supply, Headquarters - 20
    Ships, naval
  • casualty lists for - 9, 14
  • damage to - 12
  • deaths on - 12
  • hospitals - 1, 37, 41
  • logs - 12
  • rescue operations - 15-16
  • sanitary reports - 15
  • transportation of wounded - 12
    Ships lost to enemy action - 9
    Sicily - 29
    Signal Corps, US, - 36-37, 40-42
    Signal Officer, Records of the Office of the Chief (RG 111) - 36-37, 40-42
    Solomon Islands (burials in the) - 14
    South Pacific
  • films of burials - 37
  • films of combat in the - 36
  • transport operations casualty lists - 10
    Southwest Pacific Theater of Operations
  • casualties - 27
  • medical activities in the - 21, 22
    Special Settlement Accounts, Office of - 7
    State-by-state casualty reports - 11, 27, 34
    State, US Department of - 6
    Strategic Services, Records of the Office of the (RG 226) - 38
    Submarines (casualty lists for) - 10, 14
    Supply Corps - 10
    Surgeon General (Army), Records of the Office of the (RG 112) - 4, 20-22
  • reports sent to, 7-8
    Survivor benefits - 11, 12
  • interviews with - 15-16, 31-32, 33
  • lists of naval - 14
  • rescued from aircraft - 15-16, 31-33
  • rescued from ships - 15-16
    Systemat - 5, 7


    Tarawa - 26, 27
    Theater headquarters
  • Missing Air Crew Reports - 5
  • progress reports on hospitalized personnel - 4-5
    Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - 23
    Treasury General Records of the Department of the (RG 56) - 36
    Troop morale - 5
    Tunisia - 42
    Typhoons - 15-16


    Unidentified remains - 14, 17, 20, 24, 31, 47
    Unit war diaries - 26
    Unknown soldier (selection of) - 20, 23
    Utah, U.S.S - 14


    Veterans (headstones for) - 18
    Veterans Administration - 7
    Veterans' benefits
  • Congressional correspondence on - 12
    V-Mail - 5


    Wake Island - 26
    War, Records of the Office of the Secretary of (RG 107) - 36
    War bonds sales promotion - 36
    War games
  • correspondence relating to - 13
    War Shipping Administration - 6
    Weather conditions - 19
    Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES) - 9, 10
    World War I
  • casualty lists by state - 11
  • military casualty reporting system - 2
  • return of American dead - 6
  • African Americans - 27
  • Army - 20-21, 27, 44-45, 46
  • correspondence regarding - 33
  • evacuation of - 12, 14, 15, 21, 24, 36, 38-39, 42, 44
  • films of - 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
  • Marine Corps - 11, 24
  • Navy - 10-11, 27, 40, 46
  • photographs of - 40, 41-43
  • rescue of - 39
  • by state - 11, 27
  • transportation of, by ox cart - 35
  • transportation of, by plane - 35, 39
  • transportation of, by ship - 12, 14, 37, 39
  • transportation of, by train - 39
  • treatment of - 12, 14-15, 20, 21, 35, 37, 39, 41, 42


    Yorktown, U.S.S. - 15
    Yosemite National Park - 37


    Zone of the Interior (studies of medical treatment) - 21

    Note: Compiled by Benjamin L. DeWhitt. Published by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC, 1993.

    Web version prepared 1999. Additions and changes incorporated in the Web version are between brackets [] and in italics.

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