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Transportation Research Board

News Release

From: (Lynn Highland)

Subject: Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation; Transportation Research Board Special Report 247

A. Keith Turner and Robert L. Schuster, editors

This Transportation Research Board report is a greatly expanded edition of the previous Special Report on Landslides published in 1978. The new report, which has been designed with an even broader interntional scope, contains comprehensive, practical discussions of field invetigations, laboratory testing, and stability analysis procedures and technologies; comprehensive references to the literature; and discussions of case studies, state-of-the-art techniques, and research directions. The report comprises five sections: principles, definition, and assessment; inestigation; strength and stability analysis; mitigation; and special cases and materials, including tropical and residual soils, colluvium and talus, shales and degradable materials, hydraulic tailings, loess, soft sensitive clays, and permafrost. The report will be of interest to transportaion engineers responsible for landslide investigations, university students studying landslides, and researchers desiring a definitive reference for landslide investigation and mitigation procedures. Contact the following address for more information and how to order Transportation Research Board Box 289 Washington, D.C. 20055

Lynn Highland, Coordinator
National Landslide Information Center
U.S. Geological Survey
MS 966 Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO U.S.A. 80225