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                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 
                           Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                               [Docket No. 5-81] 
                                  47 FR 53758 
                               November 29, 1982 
Foreign-Trade Zone No. 22, Chicago; Application for a Special-Purpose 
Subzone -- Record Reopened 
TEXT: This notice concerns the application of the Chicago Regional Port 
District, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 22, filed with the Foreign-Trade 
Zones Board on May 11, 1981, requesting authority to establish a 
foreign-trade subzone at the UNR-Leavitt steel tube plant in Chicago 
(46 FR 27364, May 19, 1981). After a public hearing and extension of the 
open record period to February 26, 1982 (47 FR 3153, January 22, 1982), a 
report recommending limited approval was prepared for the Board. Advised 
of the report's negative aspects under @ 400.1310 of the Board's 
regulations (15 CFR Part 400), the applicant requested permission to 
present further evidence, and at a meeting of the Board's Committee of 
Alternates (CA) on September 14, 1982, presentations were made on the 
matter by UNR-Leavitt, as well as the Welded Steel and Tube Institute 
(WSTI) and the American Iron and Steel Institute. 
   Following the CA meeting new information on benefits relating to 
Customs duty reduction and avoidance on scrap was brought to the 
attention of the Board. WSTI then requested a reopening of the record, 
contending that scrap benefits would be significant, and thus adversely 
affect other domestic steel tube plants, if UNR-Leavitt pays duties on the 
basis of "privileged foreign" status. In light of the Board's recent 
decision in the Sanyo case (Doc. 14-81, 47 FR 44593, October 8, 1982), the 
scrap aspect of this proposal was considered to take on new significance.
   It has been determined that this new information warrants a reopening 
of the record to allow interested parties to submit comments on the scrap 
issue. Accordingly, the record in this case is reopened to parties of 
record until December 22, 1982, for comments on the duty benefits 
UNR-Leavitt would derive, using privileged foreign status, as a result of 
scrap from its production of tubing and the consequent impact this would 
have on competing domestic plants. The comments will be reviewed by the 
Foreign-Trade Zone Staff, which will prepare a report to the Board. 
   Submissions (10 copies) shall be made in writing and addressed to: 
Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board, U.S. Department of 
Commerce, 14th and Pennsylvania, NW., Room 1872, Washington, D.C. 20230.
   Dated: November 19, 1982. 
John J. Da Ponte, Jr., 
   Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zone Board.   
[FR Doc. 82-32540 Filed 11-26-82; 8:45 am]