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Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Updated April 1, 2009

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If you would like to search our past publications, visit the Patuxent bibliography (select PWRC_Bibliography). See a full description of the database here. Many of the records include abstracts and/or links to full text.


October 2008 -- March 2009 Publications 

Alisauskas, R. T., K. L. Drake, and J. D. Nichols. 2009. Filling a void: abundance estimation of North American populations of arctic geese using hunter recoveries. Pages 463-489 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. book info abstract

Bailey, L. L., W. L. Kendall, and D. R. Church. 2009. Exploring extensions to multi-state models with multiple unobservable states. Pages 693-709 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. book info abstract

Baldwin, A. H., R. S. Hammerschlag, and D. R. Cahoon. 2009. Evaluation of restored tidal freshwater wetlands. Pages 801-831 in Gerardio M. E. Perillo, Eric Wolanski, Donald R. Cahoon, and Mark M. Brinson, editors. Coastal wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach. Elsevier, New York. xxxi, 941 + CD pp. book info

Bystrak, D. 2008. Atlantic flyway review: Region IV Piedmont-coastal plain, Fall 2007: Patuxent powerline right-of-way. North American Bird Bander 33(3):141-142.

Cahill, K. L., J. L. Marion, and S. R. Lawson. 2008. Exploring visitor acceptability for hardening trails to sustain visitation and minimize impacts. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 16(2):232-245. abstract

Converse, S. J., W. L. Kendall, P. F. Doherty, Jr., M. B. Naughton, and J. E. Hines. 2009. A traditional and a less-invasive robust design: choices in optimizing effort allocation for seabird population studies. Pages 727-744 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. abstract book info

Converse, S. J., W. L. Kendall, P. F. Doherty, Jr., and P. G. Ryan. 2009. Multistate Models for Estimation of Survival and Reproduction in the Grey-headed Albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma). Auk 126(1):77-88. abstract BioOne

Devney, C. A., S. L. Kondrad, K. R. Stebbins, K. D. Brittingham, D. J. Hoffman, and G. H. Heinz. 2009. A saltwater flotation technique to identify unincubated eggs. Journal of Field Ornithology 80(1):88-93. abstract

Droege, S., C. A. Davis, W. E. Steiner, Jr., and Mawdsley, J. 2009. The lost micro-deserts of the Patuxent River using landscape history, insect and plant specimens, and field work to detect and define a unique community. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 111(1):132-144.

Dunlap, J. and C. S. Robbins. 2008. Field Marks of a Celebration: Roger Tory Peterson's Centennial Birthday. Audubon Naturalist News 34(5):4-6. article

Eadie, J. M., C. S. Elphick, K. J. Reinecke, and M. R. Miller. 2008. Wildlife values of North American ricelands . Pages 7-90 in Scott W. Manley, editor. Conservation in ricelands of North America. The Rice Foundation, Stuttgart, Arkansas. 180 pp. book info

Efford, M. G. and D. K. Dawson. 2009. Effect of distance-related heterogeneity on population size estimates from point counts. Auk 126(1):100-111. abstract BioOne

Ergon, T., N. G. Yoccoz, and J. D. Nichols. 2009. Estimating latent time of maturation and survival costs of reproduction in continuous time from capture-recapture data. Pages 173-197 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. abstract book info

Foster, M. S. 2008. Freeze-frame fruit selection by birds. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(4):901-905. BioOne

Foster, M. S. 2008. Potential effects of arboreal and terrestrial avian dispersers on seed dormancy, seed germination and seedling establishment in Ormosia (Papilionoideae) species in Peru . Journal of Tropical Ecology 24(6):619-627. abstract

Frampton, M., S. Droege, T. Conrad, S. Prager, and M. H. Richards. 2008. Evaluation of specimen preservatives for DNA analyses of bees. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 17(2):195-200.

Freeman, M. C., B. J. Freeman, N. M. Burkhead, and C. A. Straight. 2008. A new species of Percina (Perciformes: Percidae) from the Apalachicola River drainage, southeastern United States. Zootaxa 1963:25-42. article

Gilbert, A. T., A. F. O'Connell, Jr., E. M. Annand, N. W. Talancy, J. R. Sauer, and J. D. Nichols, . 2008. An Inventory of Terrestrial Mammals at National Parks in the Northeast Temperate Network and Sagamore Hill National Historic Site. Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5245. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. xii, 159 pp. abstract

Grant, E. H. C., L. L. Bailey, J. L. Ware, and K. C. Duncan. 2008. The amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis detected in a community of stream and wetland amphibians. Applied Herpetology 5(3):233-241. abstract

Houston, C. S., M. K. Klimkiewicz, and C. S. Robbins. 2008. History of "computerization" of bird-banding records. North American Bird Bander 33(2):53-65.

Howell, J. E., C. T. Moore, M. J. Conroy, R. G. Hamrick, R. J. Cooper, R. E. Thackston, and J. P. Carroll. 2009. Conservation of northern bobwhite on private lands in Georgia, USA under uncertainty about landscape-level habitat effects. Landscape Ecology 24(3):405-418. abstract

Hyslop, N. L., J. M. Meyers, R. J. Cooper, and J. Stevenson. 2009. Indigo snake capture methods: effectiveness of two survey techniques for Drymarchon couperi in Georgia. Florida Scientist 72(2):93-100.

Jackson, J. A., W. E. Davis, Jr., and J. Tautin, editors. 2008. Bird Banding in North America: The First Hundred Years. Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club No. 15. Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ix, 280 pp.

Kendall, W. L. 2009. One size does not fit all: Adapting mark-recapture and occupancy models for state uncertainty. Pages 765-780 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. abstract book info

Kendall, W. L., S. J. Converse, P. F. Doherty, Jr., M. B. Naughton, A. Anders, J. E. Hines, and E. Flint. 2009. Sampling design considerations for demographic studies: a case of colonial seabirds. Ecological Applications 19(1):55-68. abstract

Kery, M. and J. A. Royle. 2009. Inference about species richness and community structure using species-specific occupancy models in the National Swiss Breeding Bird Survey MUB. Pages 639-656 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. abstract book info

Kirwan, M. L., G. R. Guntenspergen, and J. T. Morris. 2008. Latitudinal trends in Spartina alterniflora productivity and the response of coastal marshes to global change. Global Change Biology published online: 10 December. abstract

Kirwan, M. L. and A. B. Murray. 2008. Tidal marshes as disequilibrium landscapes? Lags between morphology and Holocene sea level change. Geophysical Research Letters 35(L24401):1-5. abstract

Kozlowski, C. P., J. E. Bauman, and D. C. Hahn. 2008. A simplified method for extracting androgens from avian egg yolks. Zoo Biology Published Online: 17 November. abstract

Langleya, J. A., K. L. McKee, D. R. Cahoon, J. A. Cherry, and J. P. Megonigala. 2009. Elevated CO2 stimulates marsh elevation gain, counterbalancing sea-level rise. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. online early. article

Link, W. A. and R. J. Barker. 2009. Bayes factors and multimodel inference. Pages 595-615 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. abstract book info

Lyons, J. E., M. C. Runge, H. P. Laskowski, and W. L. Kendall. 2008. Monitoring in the context of structured decision-making and adaptive management. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(8):1683-1692. abstract BioOne

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, M. E. Seamans, and R. J. Gutierrez. 2009. Dynamic models for problems of species occurrence with multiple states. Ecology 90(3):823-835. abstract

Marion, J. L., R. G. Dvorak, and R. E. Manning. 2008. Wildlife feeding in parks: methods for monitoring the effectiveness of educational interventions and wildlife food attraction behaviors. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 13(6):429-442. abstract

Martin, J., J. D. Nichols, C. L. McIntyre, G. Ferraz, and J. E. Hines. 2009. Perturbation analysis for patch occupancy dynamics. Ecology 90(1):10-16. abstract

Mattfeldt, S. D., L. L. Bailey, and E. H. C. Grant. 2009. Monitoring multiple species: Estimating state variables and exploring the efficacy of a monitoring program. Biological Conservation 142(4):720-737. abstract

McClintock, B. T., G. C. White, K. P. Burnham, and M. A. Pryde. 2009. A generalized mixed effects model of abundance for mark-resight data when sampling is without replacement. Pages 271-289 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. abstract book info

Millett, B., W. C. Johnson, and G. Guntenspergen. 2009. Climate trends of the North American prairie pothole region 1906–2000. Climatic Change 93(1-2):243-267. abstract

Mocino-deloya, E., K. Setser, S. C. Peurach, and J. M. Meik. 2008. Crotalus aquilus in the Mexican state of Mexico consumes a diverse summer diet. Herpetological Bulletin No. 105:10-12.

Morris, S. R., B. Dale, and M. Gustafson. 2008. Roles and contributions of banding organizations to the North American Banding Program. Pages 31-64 in Jerome A. Jackson, William E. Davis, Jr., and John Tautin, editors. Bird Banding in North America: The First Hundred Years. Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club No. 15. Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ix, 280 pp.

Nichols, J. D. and J. Tautin. 2008. North American Bird Banding and quantitative population ecology. Pages 133-161 in William E. Davis, Jr., Jerome A. Jackson, and John Tautin, editors. Bird Banding in North America: The First Hundred Years. Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club No. 15. Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ix, 280 pp.

Nichols, J. D., L. Thomas, and P. B. Conn. 2009. Inferences about landbird abundance from count data: recent advances and future directions. Pages 201-235 in David L. Thomson, Evan G. Cooch, and Michael J. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Environmental and ecological statistics 3. Springer, New York and London. xxiv, 1136 pp. abstract book info

O'Neill, P., C. D. T. Minton, I. C. T. Nisbet, and J. E. Hines. 2008. Annual recapture and survival rates of two non-breeding adult populations of Roseate Terns Stema dougallii captured on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and estimates of their population sizes. Waterbirds 31(3):338-345. BioOne

Olive, N. D. and J. L. Marion. 2009. The influence of use-related, environmental, and managerial factors on soil loss from recreational trails. Journal of Environmental Management 90(3):1483-1493. abstract

Park, L. O., J. L. Marion, R. E. Manning, S. R. Lawson, and C. Jacobi. 2008. Managing visitor impacts in parks: A multi-method study of the effectiveness of alternative management practices. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration 26(1):97-121.

Perillo, G. M. E., E. Wolanski, D. R. Cahoon, and M. M. Brinson, editors. 2009. Coastal wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach. Elsevier, New York. xxxi, 941 + CD pp. book info

Perillo, G. M. E., E. Wolanski, D. R. Cahoon, and M. M. Brinson. 2009. Preface. Page xix-xx in Gerardio M. E. Perillo, Eric Wolanski, Donald R. Cahoon, and Mark M. Brinson, editors. Coastal wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach. Elsevier, New York. xxxi, 941 + CD pp. book info

Rattner, B. A., J. C. Franson, S. R. Sheffield, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, D. Stang, and P. J. Wingate. 2009. Technical review of the sources and implications of lead ammunition and fishing tackle on natural resources. Extended abstract in Richard T. Watson, Mark Fuller, Mark Pokras, and Grainger Hunt, editors. Ingestion of Lead from Spent Ammunition: Implications for Wildlife and Humans. Peregrine Fund, Boise Idaho. abstract book info

Robbins, C. S., Coordinator. 2008. Atlantic flyway review: Region IV Piedmont-coastal plain, Fall 2007. North American Bird Bander 33(3):139-146.

Royle, J. A., J. D. Nichols, K. U. Karanth, and A. M. Gopalaswamy. 2009. A hierarchical model for estimating density in camera-trap studies. Journal of Applied Ecology 46(1):118-127. abstract

Samish, M. H., H. S. Ginsberg, I. Glazer, and I. Glazer. 2008. Anti-tick biological control agents: assessment and future perspectives. Pages 447-469 in Alan. S. Bowman and Patricia A. Nuttall, editors. Ticks : biology, disease and control. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. xii, 506 pp. book info

Sauer, J. R. and M. G. Knutson. 2008. Objectives and metrics for wildlife monitoring. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(8):1663-1664. abstract BioOne

Spendelow, J. A., J. E. Hines, J. D. Nichols, I. C. T. Nisbet, G. Cormons, H. Hays, J. J. Hatch, and C. S. Mostello. 2008. Temporal variation in adult survival rates of Roseate Terns during periods of increasing and declining populations. Waterbirds 31(3):309-319. BioOne

Spoelstra, J. A., R. A. Stein, J. A. Royle, and E. A. Marschall. 2008. Movement of reservoir-stocked riverine fish between tailwaters and rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137(5):1530-1542. abstract

Stebbins, K. R., J. D. Klimstra, C. A. Eagles-Smith, J. T. Ackerman, and G. H. Heinz. 2009. A nonlethal microsampling technique to monitor the effects of mercury on wild bird eggs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28(3):465-470. abstract

Tautin, J. 2008. A history of the Bird Banding Laboratory: 1920-2002. Pages 65-91 in Jerome A. Jackson, William E. Davis, Jr., and John Tautin, editors. Bird Banding in North America: The First Hundred Years. Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club No. 15. Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ix, 280 pp.

Twedt, D. J. 2008. Longevity records for Acadian flycatcher and white-eyed vireo following prescribed timber harvest. North American Bird Bander 33(2):67-68.

Vyas, N. B., J. W. Spann, and E. F. Hill. 2009. Acute oral toxicities of wildland fire control chemicals to birds. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(3):862-865. abstract

Watson, C. A., F. W. Weckerly, J. S. Hatfield, C. C. Farquhar, and P. S. Williamson. 2008 . Presence-nonpresence surveys of golden-cheeked warblers: detection, occupancy and survey effort. Animal Conservation 11(6):484-492. abstract

Wenger, S. J. and M. C. Freeman. 2008. Estimating species occurrence, abundance, and detection probability using zero-inflated distributions. Ecology 89(10):2953-2959. abstract

Wolanski, E., M. M. Brinson, D. R. Cahoon, and G. M. E. Perillo. 2009. Coastal wetlands: A synthesis. Pages 1-62 in Gerardio M. E. Perillo, Eric Wolanski, Donald R. Cahoon, and Mark M. Brinson, editors. Coastal wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach. Elsevier, New York. xxxi, 941 + CD pp. book info

Woodman, N. 2009. The Stephen H. Long Expedition (1819–1820), Titian R. Peale’s field illustrations, and the lost holotypes of the North American shrews Sorex brevicaudus Say and Sorex parvus Say (Mammalia: Soricidae) from the Philadelphia Museum. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 122(1):117-129.

Zimmerman, G. S., W. L. Kendall, T. J. Moser, G. C. White, and P. F. Doherty. 2009. Temporal patterns of apparent leg band retention in North American geese. Journal of Wildlife Management 73(1):82-88. abstract BioOne


April -- September 2008 Publications

Anderson, E. P., C. M. Pringle, and M. C. Freeman. 2008. Quantifying the extent of river fragmentation by hydropower dams in the Sarapiqui River Basin, Costa Rica. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18(4):408-417. abstract

Banks, R. C., R. T. Chesser, C. Cicero, J. L. Dunn, A. W. Kratter, I. J. Lovette, P. C. Rasmussen, J. V. Remsen Jr., J. D. Rising, D. F. Stotz, and K. Winker. 2008. Forty-ninth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union - Check-list of north American birds. Auk 125(3):756-766. abstract BioOne

Beissenger, S. R., J. M. Wunderle, Jr., J. M. Meyers, B.-E. Saether, and S. Engen. 2008. Anatomy of a bottleneck: diagnosing factors limiting population growth in the Puerto Rican parrot. Ecological Monographs 78(2):185-203. abstract

Bennett, R. S., J. B. French, Jr., R. Rossmann, and R. Haebler. 2008. Dietary toxicity and tissue accumulation of methylmercury in American kestrels. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 56(1):149-156 abstract.

Beyer, W. N., M. C. Perry, and P. C. Osenton. 2008. Sediment ingestion rates in waterfowl (Anatidae) and their use in environmental risk assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 4(2):246-251. abstract

Bolanos, F., F. Castro, C. Cortez, I. De la Riva, T. Grant, B. Hedges, R. Heyer, R. Ibanez, E. La Marca, E. Lavilla, D. Leite Silvano, S. Lotters, G. Parra Olea, S. Reichle, R. Reynolds, L. Rodriguez, G. Santos Barrera, N. Scott, C. Ubeda, A. Veloso, M. Wilkinson, and B. Young. 2008. Amphibians of the Neotropical Realm. Pages 92-105 in S. N. Stuart, M. Hoffmann, J. S. Chanson, N. A. Cox, R. J. Berridge, P. Ramani, and B. E. Young, editors. Threatened Amphibians of the World. Lynx Edicions, in association with IUCN and Conservation International, Barcelona. 776 pp. Book info

Conroy, M. J., J. T. Peterson, O. L. Bass, C. J. Fonnesbeck, J. E. Howell, C. T. Moore, and J. P. Runge. 2008. Sources of variation in detection of wading birds from aerial surveys in the Florida Everglades. Auk 125(3):731-741. abstract BioOne,

Custer, T. W., C. M. Custer, K. M. Johnson, and D. J. Hoffman. 2008. Mercury and other element exposure to tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting on Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota. Environmental Pollution 155(2):217-226. abstract

Custer, T. W., N. H. Golden, and B. A. Rattner. 2008. Element patterns in feathers of nestling Black-Crowned Night-Herons, Nycticorax nycticorax L., from four colonies in Delaware, Maryland, and Minnesota. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81(2):147-151. abstract

Ginsberg, H. S. 2008. Potential effects of mixed infections in ticks on transmission dynamics of pathogens: comparative analysis of published records. Experimental and Applied Acarology 46(1-4):29-41. abstract

Ginsberg, H. S. and M. K. Faulde. 2008. Ticks. Pages 303-345 in Xavier Bonnefoy, Helge Kampen, and Kevin Sweeney. Public Health Significance of Urban Pests. World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark. xiv, 569 pp. chapter, whole book 3.4MB, book info

Goddard, C. I., N. J. Leonard, D. L. Stang, P. J. Wingate, B. A. Rattner, J. C. Franson, and S. R. Sheffield. 2008. Management concerns about known and potential impacts of lead use in shooting and in fishing activities. Fisheries 33(5):228-236. article, whole issue (4MB)

Grant, E.H.C. 2008. Visual implant elastomer mark retention through metamorphosis in amphibian larvae. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(5):1247-1252. abstract BioOne

Heinz, G. H., D. J. Hoffman, J. D. Klimstra, K. R. Stebbins, S. L. Kondrad, and C. A. Erwin. 2008. Species differences in the sensitivity of avian embryos to methylmercury. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 56(1):129-138. abstract

James-Pirri, M. J., R. M. Erwin, and D. J. Prosser. 2008. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Region 5) salt marsh study, 2001 to 2006: an assessment of hydrologic alterations on salt marsh ecosystems along the Atlantic Coast. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center and University of Rhode Island . ix, 413 pp. Full text. 10.6MB

Kenow, K. P., D. J. Hoffman, R. K. Hines, M. W. Meyer, J. W. Bickham, C. W. Matson, K. R. Stebbins, P. Montagna, and A. Elfessi. 2008. Effects of methylmercury exposure on glutathione metabolism, oxidative stress, and chromosomal damage in captive-reared common loon (Gavia immer) chicks. Environmental Pollution 156(3):732-738. abstract

Kery, M., J. A. Royle, and H. Schmid. 2008. Importance of sampling design and analysis in animal population studies: a comment on Sergio et al. Journal of Applied Ecology 45(3):981-986. abstract

Koneff, M. D., J. A. Royle, M. C. W. J. S. Otto, and J. K. Bidwell. 2008. A double-observer method to estimate detection rate during aerial waterfowl surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(7):1641-649. abstract BioOne

Kross, J. P., R. M. Kaminski, K. J. Reinecke, and A. T. Pearse. 2008. Conserving waste rice for wintering waterfowl in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley . Journal of Wildlife Management 72(6):1383-1387. abstract BioOne

McNulty, S. A., S. Droege, and R. D. Masters. 2008. Long-term trends in breeding birds in an old-growth Adirondack forest and the surrounding region. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(1):153-158. BioOne

Mojica, E. K., J. M. Meyers, B. A. Millsap, and K. L. Haley. 2008. Migration of Florida sub-adult Bald Eagles. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(2):304-310. BioOne

Monticelli, D., J. A. Ramos, J. E. Hines, J. D. Nichols, and J. A. Spendelow. 2008. Juvenile survival in a tropical population of roseate terns: Interannual variation and effect of tick parasitism. Marine Ecology Progress Series 365:277-287. abstract

Muzaffar, S. B., J. Takekawa, D. J. Prosser, D. C. Douglas, B. Yan, Z. Xing, Y. Hou, E. C. Palm, and S. H. Newman. 2008. Seasonal movements and migration of Pallas's Gulls Larus ichthyaetus from Qinghai Lake, China. Forktail 24:100-107. article

Nichols, J. D., L. L. Bailey, A. F. O'Connell, Jr., N. W. Talancy, E. H. C. Grant, A. T. Gilbert, E. M. Annand, T. P. Husband, and J. E. Hines. 2008. Multi-scale occupancy estimation and modelling using multiple detection methods. Journal of Applied Ecology 45(5):1321-1329. abstract

Pardieck, K. L. and J. R. Sauer. 2007. The 1999-2003 Summary of the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Bird Populations 8:28-45. article

Pearse, A. T., S. J. Dinsmore, R. M. Kaminski, and K. J. Reinecke. 2008. Evaluation of an aerial survey to estimate abundance of wintering ducks in Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(6):1413-1419. abstract BioOne

Perry, M. C. 2008. The evolution of wildlife conservation: The science that supported the conservation movement. INformation (Spring):8-11. article

Perry, M. C. 2008. In memoriam: Mortimer Brooke Meanley, Jr., 1915–2007. Auk 125(1):235_237. abstract BioOne

Rattner, B. A. and B. K. Ackerson. 2008. Environmental contaminant hazards to wildlife at National Capital region and Mid-Atlantic National Park Service units. Pages 307-311 in S. Weber and David Harmon, editors. Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 2007 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on parks, protected areas & cultural sites, April 16-20, 2007, St. Paul, Minnesota. George Wright Society, Hancock, Michigan. article. whole proceedings

Rattner, B. A. and B. K. Ackerson. 2008. Potential environmental contaminant risks to avian species at important bird areas in the northeastern United States. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 4(3):344-357. abstract

Rattner, B. A., J. C. Franson, S. R. Sheffield, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, D. Stang, and P. J. Wingate. 2008. Sources and implications of lead ammunition and fishing tackle on natural resources. Wildlife Society Technical Review 08-01. Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. 62 pp. book info

Rattner, B. A., M. A. Whitehead, G. Gasper, C. U. Meteyer, W. A. Link, M. A. Taggart, A. A. Meharg, O. H. Pattee, and D. J. Pain. 2008. Apparent tolerance of turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(11):2341-2345. abstract

Robbins, C. S. 2008. [Book review] Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario, 2001-2005. 2007. Ontario Birds 26(1):72-73. article

Rochlin, I., K. Harding, H. S. Ginsberg, and S. R. Campbell. 2008. Comparative analysis of distribution and abundance of West Nile and Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis virus vectors in Suffolk County, New York, using human population density and land use/cover data . Journal of Medical Entomology 45(3):563-571. abstract BioOne

Royle, J. A. 2008. Analysis of capture-recapture models with individual covariates using data augmentation. Biometrics 65(1):267-274. abstract

Royle, J. A. and R. M. Dorazio. 2008. Hierarchical modeling and inference in ecology: The analysis of data from populations, metapopulations and communities. Academic Press, San Diego, California. xviii, 444 pp. book info.

Royle, J. A. and K. V. Young. 2008. A hierarchical model for spatial capture-recapture data. Ecology 89(8):2281-2289. abstract

Sabine, J. B., J. M. Meyers, C. T. Moore, and S. H. Schweitzer. 2008. Effects of human activity of breeding American Oystercatchers, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia, USA. Waterbirds 31(1):70-82. article

Sauer, J. R. 2008. Rachel Carson's legacy for research and monitoring at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. INformation (Fall):32-33. article

Scheuhammer, A. M., W. N. Beyer, and C. J. Schmitt. 2008. Ecotoxicology: Lead. Pages 2133-2139 in Sven Erik Jorgensen and Brian D. Fath, editors. Encyclopedia of Ecology v. 3. Elsevier, Oxford. abstract book info

Sughrue, K. M., M. C. Brittingham, and J. B. French. 2008. Endocrine effects of the herbicide linuron on the American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis). Auk 125(2):411-419. abstract BioOne

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